Name MARKETING RESEARCH is that the product

Name :Reem Emad ElsragyID; OPCF12-019 Oman medical collage 4th year pharmaceutical management Topic : Applications of marketing researchAPPLICATIONS OF MARKETING RESEARCH is that the product that is going to be marked must be researched to meet several goals for example, design of new product and or evaluating product that already exists strength market validation research, and line extension potential. The APPLICATIONS OF MARKETING RESEARCH is divided to Strategic 2. TacticalThe strategic include segmentation forecasting for sales forecasting, segmentation studies, knowing of target markets for a given or known product, and positioning strategies identification.

Tactical the applications that is applied product testing, pricing research, advertising research, promotional research, distribution and logistics related research.Application of marketing 1-Pricing ResearchA pricing category is provided by strong pricing research. It is to choose the product which haves the best features configuration in the right scagle market positioning opportunities. quantitative and qualitative methods are used 2-Product Research It is for product that are newly design and market validation research , or by assessing old product to check the optimal strange and line extension potential. Steps Marketing size Product category attitude and usages trend Marketing opportunity researchIdeal generation Create refined concept Concept testing research Positioning Brand equality 3-Concept Testingadvertising concepts, new product concepts, and affordable, pricing, brand concepts, brand names, and positioning strategy concepts is evaluated first concentrate on developing than screening. developing which require exploratory market research, both tangible attribute clusters, and emotional appeals are taken in concern when creating concepts 4-Positioning Researchmarket creative branding and positioning research can be defined and enter with a strong positioning strategy.

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At the beginning it is needs to make market positioning concept , potential markets, and current5-Marketing Due Diligenceit is used to remove the least attractive prospects and to enable early planning of post-merger integration. And to reduce some major risks such as losing customers through duplication or defections. 6-Customer Satisfaction ResearchQualitative research shows how the customers make the purchase and repeat purchase decisions.7-Brand Equity ResearchIt measures the effect of both depth and breadth of the brand power in the target markets. Both standard and custom-tailored brand equity survey measurements are used in this research 8-Advertising Researchspecific advertising goals and the stage of ad development, or campaign based on these the advertising design is done. Advertising research techniques include ad recall surveys and message9-Market SegmentationIt is important for maintaining focus and delivers needed of the costumer for marketing information. where there is new products and markets categories that keep on emerging every day and the traditional market segments decreasing 10-Sales AnalysisIt is the initial step in product and brand analysis.

marketing analysis data taking out effort searches for meaning and insight among the stacks of sales data and marketing data. this is an importance tool for targeting the best customers, find which advertising and promotion methods are most efficient and effective.Methods of Types of Marketing Research1-ExploratoryInitially this is done to have information, idea and understanding the problem before the research is done. Most of the exploratory is qualitative than quantitative .as well as conclusive evidence and subsequent research are not needed Diagnosing a Situation: when companies have got problems and they are unable and unclearly know how to define it . Screening Alternatives: there is many options, but the company is unable to take them all due to finance restrictionsUncovering New Ideas: due to the new product the costumer is unable to choose what they need 2-DescriptiveIt is done when there is some comprehension of the problem.

The objectives are defined, and the research questions are formulated. Usually some consumer profiling and market segmentation are required.3-ExperimentalIt is also known as causal research It illustrated the relationship between the cause and effect. exploratory and descriptive research are needed in this research due to that, a lot of information is going to be gathered on the topic.Reference

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