United States’ Involvement in the Vietnam War Essay

United States’ Involvement in the Vietnam WarThere are many reasons for American intervention in Vietnam whether itis political causes, economic causes or military causes. The Americanswant to secure capitalism all over the world and get rid of communism.The French used to run Vietnam in a capitalist manner. After theSecond World War France attempted to secure and control Vietnam oncemore. France refused to recognize the democratic republic of Vietnamthat had been declared by Ho Chi Minh and fighting soon broke outagainst the Vietminh and the French troops. The Vietminh haddifficulties coping with the French fighting power and technology.Their situation improved in 1949 after Mao Zedong’s communist victoryover Chaing Kai-shek in China. The Vietminh now had a safer place werethey could take their wounded and train their soldiers. General Giapwas forced to organize a massive attack on the French at Dien BienPhu. While plans were being organized Giap brought up members of theVietminh from all over Vietnam. By the time the battle was ready tostart Giap had over 70,000 soldiers surrounding Dien Bien Phu. Thiswas five times the number of troops than the French. There was no waythe French could win. The Vietminh pushed the French right back untilthey only occupied a small area of Dien Bien Phu. The Frenchsurrendered on May 7th 1954. In April 1954 the foreign ministers ofthe united states, the soviet union, Britain and France decided tomeet in Geneva to see if they could bring about a peaceful solution tothe conflicts. The following points were agreed: Vietnam would bedivided temporarily in two along the 17th paralle…

…hich protected 80% of North Vietnams industryand 75% of its population. In December 1964, 16,000 US troops were inVietnam. Lieutenant General William Westmoreland in control of marinesand ARVN. In 1966 268,000 US troops were in Vietnam. By 1968 over halfa million US troops in Vietnam. In 1963 Lyndon B. Johnson takes overpresidency in America after John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas.Lyndon describes the war as “the biggest damn mess I ever saw!” theVietcong continue to attack the ARVN. More supplies were coming fromthe North. The capitalist republic appeared threatened. America becameheavily involved in both air and ground war where their technologicalsuperiority would be tested to the full extent against a determinedand resourceful enemy intent on removing all foreign influence fromtheir native country.

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