Is Big Brother Watching You? George Orwell’s 1984 Essay

Is Big Brother watching you? Who is to say for sure and to what extent; although in present day, the potential existence of Big Brother, as showed in George Orwell’s 1984, brings across a truly unforgettable and thought provoking moral and mystery puzzle. In today’s society, citizens around the world struggle to understand and come to terms with the reality of 1984’s real-world effects. Overall, I believe that the idea of government officials monitoring its citizens’ movements and conversations without probable cause frightens people the most; it is certainly what concerns me. While I do worry about how we are being monitored; I am more concerned with the idea of being examined at all. This concern is understandable considering that the United States of America is probably the most “free” country in the world, but with the coming of the technology boom, combined with acts of terrorism on domestic soil, as so many people are asking today, is the possibility of Big Brother’s invasion present in today’s society? Just how far does “his” reach extend? The thinking that this country was founded upon; life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness, are slowly being taken back, though mostly with no obvious notification to our country’s citizens. Is the United States government being truthful regarding privacy issues? If we suspect an invasion of our privacy, would it seem logical that this invasion reaches far beyond our suspicions? These thoughts definitely fuel the fire in the guess that is arising regarding our society’s change into 1984.

In 1982, Paul Haack published the article, “Is Big Brother watching you?” The reason for doing or saying something of the report focuses on the potential for a 1984 world to become a reality. Can t…

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…ernment’s invasion and bad mistreatment. Additionally, all thoughts of fighting against authority were stopped/quieted through any means necessary. Torture and mind control were far from “extreme” in that world. Personally, I refuse to allow my privacy to be invaded in this manner. My family chooses to live in the United States because it is a “free” country. Unfortunately, the ideal having to do with the ‘blanket of freedom’ that we have lived under is slowly becoming unrelated/unimportant due to both the government’s as well as corporate America’s rule over its citizens. As time passes, laws conveniently become ignored or have been quietly changed without notification to America’s citizens. The lines between privacy and protection become more blurred. At this point, the real question remains, how much of our privacy are we willing to give things up for our freedom?

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