I Do Not Own Harry Potter Essay

Dark mist swirls, creating cruel images. Harry saw himself in the mist with bloodshot eyes and unnaturally sharp teeth, pale and unnerving. He gasps and the picture wisps away like thin, black sand. High-pitched screams sound from every direction. Behind the mist, Harry could see Hermione and Ginny laying on the ground. His fists clench and shake, and he cries out in desperation. There was clearly blood covering their ripped clothing and some very nasty bruises. He cries out again, but they, too, disappear. “No…” The mist clears and he sees Ron, in his striped pajamas, reaching an arm out to Harry. He tries to run to the ginger but seems to be running backwards. Slowly, Harry could see deep cuts forming on his best mate’s arms and face. Blood pours from the obscenities on the boy’s skin and Ron’s complexion pales. Dark blue patches litter the redhead’s body. A raging fires appears, trapping the adolescents. A horrid cackle sounds through the thick atmosphere. Harry turns to find himself standing behind him, or rather a sick, twisted version of himself. Red irises shine behind circular glasses and it gives a terrible smile. Rows of sharp teeth disappear as it licks its tongue over them; the teeth pierce the muscle, drawing scarlet liquid. It cackles again, sending nasty shivers down Harry’s spine. He tries to move, to tell Ron to run but to no avail. All movement of his body had ceased and he could only watch as his counterpart eases its way towards Ron. A slight glint in its hand caught Harry’s eye. The object shined and gleamed rather brightly in the dark background. Time seemed to slow as Ron gently grabbed its bicep. The ginger smiles and starts to speak but only sputters. The glistening dagger was now covered in maroon, prot…

…looking at Hermione. What just happened? Her mouth, much similar to Ron’s, is hanging open, gaping at the two boys.

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Befuddled, Hermione slowly breathes in and out. She couldn’t comprehend what she had just witnessed. Harry looks at Ron, confused yet oddly pleased before noticing their still intertwined hands. He blushes lightly but doesn’t say anything, unsure if he really wanted to let go. Kissing a man was certainly different; it left the three utterly shocked, Hermione most of all. Never once had the thought occurred that either of her friends preferred male company over female. Ron’s face and ears quickly red and he tries to ignore the tingly feeling coursing through his veins. Slowly, Hermione smiles. The two would be quiet cute together. As if afraid by her reaction, Ron unconsciously tightens his hold on Harry’s hand.

Works Cited

I do not own Harry Potter.

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