Essay on Types of Propaganda Used in George Orwell?s Novels

Propaganda is being used throughout history from as early as the 1600s. Adolf Hitler uses propaganda to brainwash Europe into believing that Jewish societies are wicked. In the Russian Revolution, propaganda is used through posters to either support or oppose Stalin’s ideas. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, he suggests the notion that propaganda is used to persuade or brainwash individuals; this is demonstrated by glittering generalities of using words that stir emotions, transfer, which is the use of propaganda through symbols and quotes, and finally fear which present a dreaded circumstance. Propagandists use glittering generalities by using emotional words to stir up desired emotions; this is used quite often in Animal Farm. First, Squealer uses this method of propaganda to tell the rest of the animals that the pigs are working with them: “It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples” (Orwell 23). When he says “your sake” (23) Squealer is trying to manipulate the animals into thinking that the pigs are not taking the food for their benefit and being selfish, it is the benefit for the rest of animals. Secondly, throughout the book the animals address each other as “comrades” (3) to show that they are all equal to one another and respect each other. Whenever there is a speech made the pigs address the other animals as comrades. This makes the speech more emotional to the other animals because they are being addressed to formally and respectfully. At the end of the book, they no longer call each other comrades: “Hitherto the animals on the farm had had a rather foolish custom of addressing each other as ‘Comrade’. This was to be supressed” (93). This entails that the pigs find themselves to be higher tha…

…ly eliminate the fear. In conclusion, Animal farm by George Orwell has many types of propaganda being used. The three main types of propaganda portrayed are glittering generalities, which is using words that stir emotions, transfer, which is using religious or patriotic symbols, and fear, which is to present a dreaded circumstance to get a desired effect. The book is about a fascist leader who influences and manipulates the minds of animals using propaganda. Propaganda is used for good and for bad. It is used for good when it is used to sell products, or to raise money for charities, but when it is used for bad it is usually when a leader takes over and uses his/her power for foul ways. Propaganda is very influential and a manipulative tool used by politicians then and now.Works Cited

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Orwell, George. Animal Farm. England: Penguin Books, 1987.

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