who choose our gender roles we should ask ourselves first about our gender and who chose it for us to get understand more about our life

who choose our gender roles we should ask ourselves first about our gender and who chose it for us to get understand more about our life. most of us have been thinking of the roles we have now. when people talk about gender role most of them dont even know what gender role is and they get confused as they think it is the same as sex. in fact sex is a very different statues than gender role each of them has its own properties that one should know about. however sex is a statue that a person got from god and its unchangeable you either born as male or female there is not any other options but gender is influenced by society culture history education and so on. we can learn gender roles within several stages that categorized by ages adolescence is the most important period of a persons age it begins from age 10 to 19 at this stage the behavior of the person changes as well as the physical appearance. for instance shape size of the body attitude and jobs also can be changed during that time. despite those factors there are many other factors that have huge impacts on gender roles. for example biologically factors as hormone social and environmental factors. firstly as i mentioned there are only two kinds of sex organs that human being can have biologically either you be born as male or female and this is a fact that cant be changed. male and female differ from each other in several thing for example females body shape is different from men and this will make them physically be different from each other. biological factors have a huge role in shaping childrens physical development. for instance boys and girls are born with unique sexual organs and this become further differentiated when secondary sexual characteristics emerge upon puberty. naturally occurring chemical messenger compounds in the body known as hormones are responsible for coordinating the appearance of these physical differences. some researchers suggest that the same sex hormones that enable sexual organ differentiation in utero and which later trigger puberty also play an important role in shaping gender identity. boys tend to have more androgens male sex hormones than girls. said angela oswalt msw jun 9 2010. moreover angela has cleared almost every point that hormones and biologically side effect the gender role. as she said hormone has a huge impact on being or act as female or male. there is a biology argument that suggests we are predetermined to behave in sex appropriate fashion. for example musculature women are physically weaker than men brain function women are more verbal where men are more oriented to actions. these biological differences give males and females slight differences in motivation. werbach g.b. grotevant h.d. cooper c.r. 1992 in addition the second factor that has impact on gender role is environment. what we mean by environment is society the standard of living the culture that the society has and even food. different studies have demonstrated that kids childhood and social circumstances additionally impact developing their sexual orientation personalities. briefly childrens interest preferences behaviors and expressing their demand are strongly influenced by their parents people around them and authority figure teachings regarding sexual stereotypes. this will happen usually in early portion at age of middle childhood when kids are not fully grown up or not adults yet. children have been taught that certain activities exercises and traits are suitable or improper for them to act and deal with. since they are girls they cannot do that particular job or because they are boys they are not allowed to dress up in a specific way. these ideas will affect them in later life. for example females who are told that men are intrinsically perfect at driving even that many of them dont like it but still they think they have to be good at it since they have been told that.in contrast there are men who have been told that they cannot do good at cooking since society choose female over males in cooking. these ideas and concepts of choosing hobbies for each have been very common among history. majority of people become aware of their sex organs beginning of age two and can identify another persons organ. usually at that stage kids are following their identical parent for instance girls are willing to do what their mothers do and she became their idol in other hand boys are more connected to their fathers and they try to mimic them in anything he does in order to be like him. this is going back to the fact that girls are staying at home with their mom and boys going out with their fathers to work or any activities that they have in daily life. furthermore that kind of living is still common in many societies but in a different way. nowadays people have more freedom of speech and can communicate through technology to share their thoughts with others in a better way. we can notice that today men are more acceptable to show their feminine side as well as women are free to show their masculine traits so it is more welcomed now to changing roles between female and males in the past people tend to have very clear ideas about what was appropriate to each sex and anyone behaving differently was regarded as deviant. saul mcleod published 2014 that can be named as evolutionary approach. the evolutionary approach argues that gender role division appears as an adaptation to the challenges faced by the ancestral humans in the eea the environment of evolutionary adaptation they tend to occupy different social roles. to support the evolutionary perspective the division of labor was shown to be an advantage. 10 000 years ago there was division of labor between males and females. men were the hunter gathers breadwinners while the mother was at home and looking after the children. although the women could contribute to the important business of growing food. money j. ehrhardt a. a. 1972 for instance time is different now than before when i was growing up i was living in small town at that time i could rarely see women having their own jobs outside homes and freely going out for any propose they might need. the only jobs they had was very basic which was teaching at girls schools not even in universities just it was in primary and secondary schools. however nowadays we can see many women who are depending on themselves for their needs by having their stores jobs business and the number of business women are increasing day by day which we can name this as an evolutionary and improving in societies. moreover there are several theories and studies which indicated the differentiation in gender role. sex theory is one of them. there are people who treat you according to your sex organ if it is male you just have to do what male does for instance saudi is one of the countries that didnt allow female to drive till this year and the only reason behind this rule was their sex statues.however many islamic states have similar rules for different sectors.for example iraq in early decades near 60s was not as it is now people were different and think differently they were more strike on women than now. not everyone could have a job or drive without any interact with men as we can see now women are driving truck or even taxies to get money. according to the sex-role socialization theories are among the oldest explanations for gender differences in role assignment and a number of explanations are subsumed under that rubric. they include arguments with strong biological or physiological components freud 1933 homey 1967 as well as more social and psychological formulations. the principal argument of sex-role theories is that gender-appropriate behaviors are acquired through social learning. individuals internalize the role-appropriate behaviors and enact them. behavioral tendencies acquired in this manner are assumed to be highly resistant to change and not situationally specific although there is disagreement on the latter issue. sex-role theories imply that patterns of role differentiation in all female groups will be different than those in all male groups and that gender differences in role assignment will occur in mixed gender groups. bridges w. p. miller b. 1981 another study of sex and gender role states: previous studies on sex differences in empathy have yielded mixed results. such differences are stronger when empathy is measured with self-report questionnaires. sex differences favoring women were also observed through a task assessing feelings of sympathy towards targets prior to performing an empathic accuracy task. contrarily no sex differences emerge when empathy is assessed with experimental tasks or physiological measures. in conclusion gender roles are changeable through history and generation it depends on the society and environment that we live in there are societies that cant accept several activities or traits from women as they think it is not appropriate for them and it is unacceptably in the society as well as the same thing applies on male. in addition social side play a huge part in gender roles that has been studied on in an article which states: although the women of any particular society are often depicted in the literature as an undifferentiated social group their interests and experiences ordinarily vary dramatically molyneux 1985 such variation may lead women to adopt divergent positions with regard both to socioeconomic development in the abstract and to specific programs designed to promote social change. browner c 1986 however this topic has many debatable statements since women and men have never given the same roles in society and they havent treated equally.however world is always stepping toward and transformation will be continuing as we get more thoughtful. there are many important changes nowadays such as such as sex transition and sporting homosexuals by government in several countries also we can note that female participating in activities or job that were specified for men and vice versa.

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