The Use of Characterization and Symbolism in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby focuses on the corruption of the American dream during the 1920‘s. For the duration of this time period, the American dream was no longer about hard work and reaching a set goal, it had become materialistic and immoral. Many people that had honest and incorruptible dreams, such as Jay Gatsby, used corrupted pathways to realize their fantasy. People’s carelessness was shown through their actions and speech towards others. Fitzgerald uses characterization and symbolism from different characters and items to convey the corruption of the American dream.Fitzgerald expresses the corruption of the American dream through the use of characterization of different characters. Daisy is one of the few characters that could get what she wanted but does not because of her own rules. She has set standards that she would not lower for anyone, even those she loves. The Jazz age had many flaws, inconsiderate actions was a major flaw. Her carelessness shows her attitude towards others. “Her eyes fell on Jordan and me with a sort of appeal, as though she realized at last what she was doing—and as though she had never, all along, intended doing anything at all.” Daisy had just realized that the affair between Gatsby and herself was real to him. She was insulting his American dream of having her, therefore she was corrupted. When she was with Gatsby she lived in a daydream, carefree and happy, as she says “Look at that,” she whispered, and then after a moment: “I’d like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around.” Daisy just states her fantasy, she wants Gatsby, but in reality she knows she cannot have him, consequently she again insults Gatsby’s hope of having her.


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…pectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose.” The all seeing eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg see through the corrupt colored eye glasses. God was watching all the dishonesty take place and those who did wrong were punished.In the novel The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald used characterization and symbolism to exemplify the corruption of the American dream during the post World War One era. Pre-war society had not grown out to big urban cities and the fast world of the east coast. As WWI commenced, many Americans had to go to cities and work in factories, including women. As a wartime measure women were granted the right to vote which gave women freedom. As a result after the World War, many Americans lived in the cities, where the corruption and infidelity began. The American dream was being soiled, the uphill battle that had once existed to success was no more.

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