“The Challenge of Cultural Relativism” In the text “The Challenge of Cultural Relativism

“The Challenge of Cultural Relativism”
In the text “The Challenge of Cultural Relativism,” James Rachels discusses and clarifies the theory of Cultural Relativism by stating the pros and cons of this theory. He argues that some of the claims that were made in the text were very contradictory and imprecise by revealing the shortcomings of the theory. Cultural Relativism states that, “there is no such thing as universal truths in ethics; there are only the various cultural codes, nothing more.” Meaning that the way we view morality or ethical systems varies from culture to culture, thus, we cannot assume that one system is better than any other. Rachels argues that the significance of cultural relativism is an inaccurate argument, which guides us to the questionable consequences in which moral codes are not completely different. In addition, Rachels comes to a conclusion that in cultural relativism, there are no good or bad things, however social norms. Rachels establishes that the arguments of cultures being different is irrational because the conclusion does not follow from the establishment. Accordingly, to the text, Rachels uses as an argument, to demonstrate that not everything being said is equitable, the old belief that the earth was flat. Believing in something does not necessarily mean that it is precise. Furthermore, adding to the arguments, he argues that some of the consequences of this theory is that we cannot disapprove with sadistic cultures. Lastly, Rachels disputes that beliefs that one culture has and the different beliefs that another culture has do not differ at all. Every culture has different believes, therefore, being essential in any society. The implications of adopting culture relativism generates that we can no longer say that the customs of other societies are morally inferior to our own, criticize the code of our own society and the idea of moral progress is called into doubt; meaning that you start to doubt on why certain things are the way they are, what could you have done differently. Partially of what Rachels states and discusses in the text can be relatable because the points that he makes are valid. Such as the examples that he makes. It is always important to keep in mind where you came from and the environment that you are in because not everyone is the same in that aspect. The universal values that there are, are limited, however, very important. For example, protecting the youth, truth-telling, and prohibition of murder. These three points are rationally important because this is the strongest and most different believe that most cultures have.

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