While 1991 and ran up to 1999. The

While performance measurement system (PMS) is focusing in OPRAS implementation has long been advocated as successful in the private sector, it was once, considered impossible to measure performance in the public sector (Armstrong, 2008). Gregory (2001) highlighted five main factors that have led to this change in perspective (from private to public sector as per Armstrong, 2001) as follows;- re-bureaucratization, lack of trust in government, lack of legitimacy of the government, politicization of public administration, and redefining the recipients of service as customer of citizen. In addition to this, Grote (2010) has expressed on how the growing size of the public service contributes to these changes. According to him…………….. Better to mention the author rather than saying HIM in the early 1980s there was a realization that the public sector had a profound problem in relation to how well its various programmes were operating. On this, a number of reform initiatives in the public service in Tanzania were initiated for the purpose of accomplishing the Government`s goals and objectives (URT, 2007).
The Civil Service Reform Programme (CSRP) was launched in July 1991 and ran up to 1999. The major thrust of CSRP was “cost containment and the restructuring of Government”. This was succeeded by the Public Service Reform Programme (PSRP) which is implemented in a series of overlapping but mutually supporting phases (Bana, 2009). Bana (2009) says that the first phase spanning the year 2000 to June 2007 adapted the theme “Instituting Performance Management Systems”. This was specifically aimed at building an integrated system for creating a shared vision, understanding and agreement about the results to be achieved, and the operational framework for continuous performance improvement in standards and quality of public service delivery in Tanzania (URT, 2007). The second phase whose implementation commenced in July 2007 was expected to run until June 2012, and it flies under the banner of “Enhanced Performance and Accountability”. The third phase is envisioned to operate from July 2012 to June 2017 and its thrust set to be “Quality Improvement Cycle”. The implementation process of the PSRP was spearheaded by the President`s Office-Public Service Management (PO-PSM) (URT, 2010).

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