So display life into texts. Tom Tykwer

So recently in class we were forced to watch Run Lola run by Tom Tykwer. (PHOTO OF TYKWER ON SCREEN) It did turned out to be a very diverse film which incorporated an array of distinctly visual techniques and themes thought the film. is an intense, fast paced action film with many implications. Through the effective use of different forms of visual techniques, meaning is shaped to create distinctively visual images. Language is used by composers to communicate experiences important to them as they reflect unique experiences of individuals by arousing the senses through visuals, ultimately painting a picture for the responder. This allows the viewer to journey through their imagination and connect to the composers constructed world. Distinctive visual display life into texts. Tom Tykwer has created a visual masterpiece through the use of visual techniques ultimately displaying the notion of love and time through distinctly visuals. He was able to connect with the responders emotionally in order to appreciate their visual masterpieces and explore the themes of love, time, chance, fate, choice and consequence. It is not a film that you would go and watch at the cinemas, however it is by far one of the most unique foreign films I have watched. In the beginning of the film two quotes are shown;(QUOTE 1 ON SCREEN) “We shall not cease from exploration at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive to where we started and know the place for the first time” – T.S Elliot. This first quote is a statement about time and (QUOTE 2 ON SCREEN) “After the game is before the game”- S. Herberger is a philosophical statement about what a game is. These two statements together arised and idea and an important concept of the movie that life in itself is like a game. Tykwer conveys this concept in the film through the themes mentioned before (love, time, chance, fate, choice and consequence on screen)
Tykwer explores the concept that love has the ability to influences a person choices. It conveys

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