Prepared emotional well-being is highly important. If

Prepared by: Aamna Ikram AbbasiUnit: 1.4 LO 1A.C 1.

1 explain theoretical perspectives on emotional well-being.Promote children’s emotional well-being Children’s emotional well-being is highly important. If this is not supported it can cause major problems for them later on in life.Emotional well-being is very closely linked to children being able to positively communicate and interact with others.

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This is quite normal for young children if they don’t know how to deal with their feelings.A. C 1.2 explain the process of:? Bonding:Bonding with your child is the intense attachment. From my point of view it is not something which will happen at the moment. It starts from when a child is born his/her bonding especially with mother starts from there, the time when a mother carries the baby, feeds him/her or looks after them. https://zero-to-three. ? Attachment:A child is automatically attached with the parents if their bonding is strong. We should never ignore a baby crying, they don’t only cry when they are hungry may be that’s the time when they need your attention.

Attachment has a strong feeling that when a child can’t a mother can still understand what a child needs. Always make your child feel loved and secured.

jpg ? Developing secure relationships:Having a secure relationship with your child is very beneficial for their mental growth and development. This leads them to positivity, makes them feel good and confident about themselves when they start developing a secure bond with you. This makes relationship easier. A. C 1.

3 evaluate the impact of secure relationships on a child’s emotional well-being.Impact of secure relationships on a child’s emotional well-being.Children at least need one firm, caring relationship from an early age, this relationship could be the main caregiver but not always the preferred adult.If the relationships are not secured it can effect on child’s emotional well-being by making them:• Unfocussed • Destructive • Controlling• Withdrawn• Disruptive• Stressed• Depressed • Anxiety http://4.bp.blogspot.

com/-MLCzKRl2tS8/TtoY0x-cF5I/AAAAAAAAAak/NGZuKYOOzSg/s1600/Emotional%2BWellbeing.JPG The relationship needs to last through the first years of child’s life. Children always need a secure environment in which they can feel they have an identity and a role to play.

They also need a role model whose behavior they will imitate, need praise, warmth and positive affirmation that they are loved and valued.Secure relationship becomes the foundation of child’s ability to connect with others in a healthy way. LO 2A.

C 2.1 Analyse the role of the key person in promoting emotional well-being.A key person is the one who is the main point of contact for parents.Key person is a practitioner whose responsibility is to look after a small group of children, to help them feel safe and secure always.

Key person should be:Meeting child’s needs:This includes a child’s emotional, social, personal, academic support which a key person can give.Engaging with parents/carers:This can help child to settle at nursery or school, sending feedback to parents, update them about the academic growth of their child, keeping records.LO 3A.C 3.1 Identify transitions and significant events that a child may experience.Every child and young people do experience some changes in their lives.

These changes can be from:Crawling to walking Being fed to feeding yourself Moving from nursery to schoolDeath in family Divorce or separation in parents Change of teacherLong term illnessTransitions are always physiological, physical, emotional or intellectual.A.C 3.

2 Describe potential effects of transition and significant events on a child’s life.Changes in our life can be made through change in our own body, places or people. Transition can leave positive as well as negative impact on children’s development. Birth of a siblingClose deaths Family breakdown Moving house or areaLinks with unit 3.7 LO 1- A.

C 1.2 Factors affecting children’s readiness for school.Special educational needs Family backgroundCulture difference Bad experience from other schoolFamily structure i.e.

single parent A.C 3.3 Explain the role of practitioner in preparing a child for a planned transition.It is very important for the practitioner to prepare the child for upcoming transition. A practitioner can prepare the child by:Using circle time to address concerns and issues.Try to see things from children’s perspectiveArrange visits to new settingMake sure to pass all the information to child’s new teacher.

A.C 3.4 Role of practitioner in supporting the needs of children during transition and significant life events.Children may not always voice their concerns, but their behavior might be a sign that they are anxious. Being aware of child’s concern about transition practitioner should be sensitive to their needs.Practitioner can always plan something through which children can discuss about their fears.Links with unit 3.

7 AC 2.1- 2.2- 2.3- 1.

3 • 2.1 EYFS is divided into 7 areas of learning which is divided by nurseries, pre-school and reception classes, 3 prime areas are those which relate most to school readiness. Therefore, children need to be ready physically and emotionally.PSED PD CL LITERACYMATH UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN • 2.

2 Early years practitioners use different assessment strategies which can be on computer or paper based. It helps the practitioner to understand children’s achievement according to the 7 areas of learning. • 2.3 The current framework’s assessment process in supporting children’s preparation for school has 2 points:Progress check at age two:Here practitioner needs to report parents about their child’s progress and development in prime areas.Assessment at the end of EYFS:This report is made and shown to the parents at the end of the term, which shows that in all 7 areas, where the performance of the child is expected, emerging or exceeding. Aamna Ikram Abbasi

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