Physical Characteristics and Patterns of Variation Essay

Physical Characteristics and Patterns of Variation


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Many generalizations are made about things and people, their physicalcharacteristics, specific traits that sets one apart from the other.Some are far more common than others, while many are very rare to anindividual or only a handful of people or things. Through the analysisand study of these traits we can further develop an understanding anda clear perception of what they are, where they come from and why theyare the way they are. Simple experiments and calculations are donewith basic apparatus, surveying skills, and simple graphing numeroushypothetical as well as real traits are analyses and inferences aremade. Hypothetical situations such as dice rolling 100 times representa possibility of continuous variation, vs. the black and white surveysthat state whether your are or are not something Eg. Tongue roller ornot. This is a called discontinuous variation, when the possibilitiesare highly limited, in this case to two. There are many variables thatcause difficulties in obtaining the optimal perfect result. Althoughsome of these are beyond our control, for example the size of theshells. There are many ways where the uncertainties and errors in thisexperiment can be limited. To limit the error of shell measurement,the same person is to use the same of calliper for the measurements.In the course of this we will be able to get a consistent error thatwill fairly balance the results. Even though the exact numbers willnot be obtained, we will still be able to see the direct ratio of onething to the other, which is all that is needed. In thisinvestig…

… came from the amount of variance in the shellssize and age. In this experiment when measuring the shells we had noidea how old one was to the next, how much nutrition one had overanother and where it came from. In order to better the experiment, allthe shells should originate from the same area, have the same diet,and be roughly the same age. The last area for improving the resultshas to be the survey question of eye colour. When asking a questionover the eye colour of the individual this can be affected by the raceof the individual, while all other questions are free of ethnicitybias. Rather than ask that, perhaps another question involving aphysical characteristic could be asked such as having arched feet orwhether an individual is flat-footed. These are the ways in which theexperiment could be improved.

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