Learning addicted to things like use dictionaries,

Learning style basically means the way an individual acquires, comprehends, articulates and memorizes information. Considering the outcome of my tailored VARK profile, the questionnaire gives four scores, based on the report generated; read/write 7, visual 3, aural 2, and kinesthetic 3. In view of the above results it is important to conclude that my most preferred learning style is read/write. Read/Write focuses on use of written material to acquire information. A Learner understands and remembers what he/she reads, and regularly likes writing.

Learning is not about cramming of information but understanding the profound content and gaining opportunities in learning processes by doing. I have preference for this mode of style as it emphasizes on text-based input and output reading and writing. This modality is frequently addicted to things like use dictionaries, text books, and internet for information search. Looking at issues in different forms and increasing capacities, especially the ability to dig beneath the surface to arrive at the truth. Read/Write Learner is always good at taking notes during class cessions. He studies best by reading over notes or copying them out. He fits in with the conventional, school-taught study (Coffield, Moseley, Hall, & Ecclestone, 2004).

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My preferred learning strategies are as follows;1. Re-writing notes after class cession2. Use of colored pens and markers to center key points3. Writing notes in the margins 4.

Writing out key thoughts and plans 5. Composing of small details for diagrams, charts, graphs 6. Writing out instructions for each step of a method7. Printing notes for future review 8. Post note cards/post-its in visible places (when doing dishes, on the bottom of the remote, etc.) 9.

Organize notes or key concepts into a PowerPoint slideshow 10. Comparing notes with other peopleOver the most recent years, there has been growing concern in integrating a focus on learning strategies. There is a general belief that such focus helps learners become more precious and assists in formation of learner-centered values. It is also alleged that students who have adopted proficiency in learning-how-to-learn will be superior and able to exploit classroom learning opportunities effectively, and will be more prepared to carry on with learning outside classroom.

Consecutively to learn in a more efficient way, a student needs to turn into a range of methods of reading, learning, and remembrance of new information. When a learner has preferences, then he is able to hit into a range of learning forms which will develop his capacity to hold information. These many prejudices can be varied. E.

g. a student may have two powerful favorites such as Visual and aural or aural and Kinesthetic. A number of individuals have no scrupulous preferences and have a mixture of all three—Visual, aural, and Kinesthetic (Felder, & Soloman, 2000). If for any reason a student has multimodal learning styles, the reward achieved through multiple learning strategies comprised the ability to learn more rapidly and at a deeper level so that recall soon after date will be more successful. Using various modes of learning also improves attention span. Self acquaintance with different learning styles will simply enhance your ability to study more effectively.

For example, when understanding of reading material has been unsuccessful, a visual illustration can often assist the student in understanding the material. This Strategy is a step in the right direction for most students allowing the learner to be more conscious of learning preferences which may result in a stronger aspiration to learn new material. Combining learning styles can also result in an extra impartial approach to studying and learning which leads to better understanding, comprehension, and retentionIt is very important for a student to understand his/her learning style. The reason is that becoming effective in the process of learning, is always an individual responsibility. When the student takes the responsibility in the learning process, he attributes sense to the course of learning. He builds up an understanding of his own form of learning approach and becomes much more contented with the background he interacts with. Therefore the student has a big role to play in the process for his/her own learning.

For this reason, the individuals should be familiar with their learning styles and characteristics this style has. Once the learner gets familiar with their own style, they act according to that style they have approved. Thus the person can obtain tirelessly varying and increasing amount of information devoid of need for the support of other people. Every chance for learning is a possibility for him.

It is in the learner’s choice to use diverse ways and extend the learning styles to some point. Learning style is significant for numerous reasons; however, there are three essential ones. To begin with, person’s learning styles will differ because each person is different from one another naturally. Secondly, it offers a chance to teach by using series of methods in a helpful manner.

Sticking to just one model carelessly will generate a boring learning environment, so not every person will take pleasure in the lesson. In other terms, learning and teaching will be just words and not entrenched in realism. Thirdly, we can handle numerous stuffs in teaching and communication if we really know the groups we are called to. Certainly, we may not recognize every aspect; nevertheless, being aware of students’ learning styles, mental character and motivational differences will help us regulate lessons appropriately and according to the conditions (Kazu, 2009).

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