In will identify who is at risk, determine

In relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults we have a clear policies and procedures that ensure the protection of vulnerable adults from any kind of abuse. The principle of this policy is to develop and implement procedures and strategies, which are designed to protect vulnerable adults from abuse. These strategies will identify who is at risk, determine the types of abuse that occurs and specify the procedures to be followed in the event have alleged or suspected abuse. It also promotes staff awareness of the common types of abuse.

Our policy is supported by specialised staff training programmes as an on-going process.Home Procedural RequirementsPreventive MeasuresSt Mary’s procedure for recruiting care staff includes rigorous checks on job candidates. As part of a wider Vetting ; Barring Scheme to assess the risk of harm that a person may present to vulnerable persons, Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) checks through the Criminal Records Bureau are undertaken to ensure satisfactory registration of the candidate with ISA. These checks will ensure that the candidate is not recorded on the following lists held by ISA.

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Children’s Barred ListVulnerable Adult’s List In accordance with statutory requirements, the home will not recruit any individual who is listed on the children’s barred list or vulnerable adult’s list.Each staff member will receive training in Awareness of Vulnerable Adult Abuse, and the measures to be taken if abuse is suspected.Action to be taken in the event of alleged/suspected AbuseThe Matron is designated as the key contact person within the home with direct responsibility for investigating any alleged or suspected incidences of abuse. Any staff member with concerns regarding possible abuse of a vulnerable adult will report the matter directly to the Matron. Where it is suspected that such abuse may be caused by another staff member then reporting the matter will be done in accordance with the Whistle Blowing policy.

Reporting such matters will take into account the balance which needs to be maintained for the confidentiality of the resident’s affairs and the duty of care to report suspected abuse.The manager will assess the allegations /suspicions and decide upon appropriate action to be taken. If the incident is considered to be very minor then the Matron can deal with the situation directly. If the incident is of a more serious nature the Matron will contact the local office of the Registration Authority and if necessary the Police, according to individual circumstances.In all cases, the Matron is responsible for maintaining complete case records of the suspicions raised, or allegations made, including dates, times and persons involved, and action taken.

This action may be two types:Corrective Action – action to be taken against perpetrators involved in confirmed incidents of abuse, and the discreet and sensitive handling of the abused person.Preventive Action – strategies to be implemented with the objective of halting further abuse. Where such cases have involved the Home’s staff, with resulting disciplinary measures taken, this will trigger a robust review of current practices and procedures to determine what additional protective measures if any, need to be incorporated into the management systems.

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