In we all know that many things

In many parts of Asia especially in Philippines we all know that many things changed even the culture. Humans are sum and substances of nature, personality and therefore the culture all of which contributes significantly to the ultimate people. Our culture affects however we expect, how we tend to behave, who we are, how we tend to answer our surrounding and it’s simply transmitted from generation to generation. In particularly every aspect of life.

From household products, to literature, choice of music and dance even new styles in architecture and sculpture are already changed. We were conditioned to think this way. Some may think this changed results problem and it is something we can live with, but in reality this is a very serious problem, and it threatens not only the preservation of the Philippine culture but the economy as well the economy gets affected when Filipinos start to patronize foreign imported services and products over those which were locally made and offered. Invention and popularization of the automobile is the second one of the proofs that culture is already changed. As the most widely accepted method of transportation, cars have changed the way people live all over the world. How did automobiles change the world? Starting in the late 1700’s, European engineers began tinkering with motor powered vehicles.

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At first, the electric car was the most popular, but at the time a battery did not exist that would allow a car to move with much speed or over a long distance. However, it became increasingly popular among the general population because it gave travelers the freedom to travel when they wanted to and where they wanted. Better roads were constructed, which further increased travel throughout the nation.

Before the automobile, people both lived in the city and worked in the city, or lived in the country and worked on a farm. Another cultural changed that the Philippine society is facing, is crab mentality. The term was coined in comparison with the way crabs behave since these creatures always try to pull and drag down one of their own whenever one of them gets on the top. We may try to deny it but a lot of us, Filipinos behave this way without actually being aware of it. Jealousy and envy is obviously what drives someone to have this sort of mindset. Some people hate the fact that someone is successful and they’re not, instead of serving as an inspiration to do better, what they’re going to do is try to destroy the other person’s image, as if compensation to what they feel.

Culture is not static but dynamic. It also undergoes change. We all witness Planet Earth through the lens of our own experiences, and our experiences can be immensely totally different from different people. But once you notice one thing that everybody generally will, it’s tempting to assume that it’s simply a part of attribute.

It seems, though, some of the things that you simply consider as human nature are literally aspects of the method you think that have been programmed into you and everybody around you by the culture you live in. The point here is not only cultural issues, but also how cultural changed.

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