I would like to learn about my students physical

I would like to learn about my students physical, social, and emotional development. The growth and development of my students can vary, I would like to know if it is a healthy or unhealthy one. I would like to know the habits the students have developed in all three areas.
The physical development of my students may have an influence on my instructions. I would like to know if any of my students have any physical disabilities. I would like to learn if my students need some support or accommodations to get around class or school.
In my classroom, I want my students to work in a community to learn from each other. For the social development, I would like to learn about how my students feel about working with partners or with a group of students. I want to learn if my students have the skills to work with their peers. I also want to learn how my students work through tough situations or disagreements with others. This could be a social and emotional observation of my students.
For the emotional development, I want to learn if my students understand their feelings and why they feel a certain way. I would also like to know if they recognize the feelings of others around them. Additionally, I would like to know how my students react to different situations and what they do to manage what they are feeling. Most importantly I would like to learn about the relationship my students have with their parent(s)/guardian(s) and how their home life is like.

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