Guy Fawkes and the Terrorist Attack against King James I Essay

Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes, also known as Guido Fawkes is mostly remembered for his affiliation with the terrorist attack against King James I. (Kings and Queens. New York). Born during the Renaissance period on April 13, 1570 in Stonegate, England, he was the only son and second child of Edward Fawkes and Edith Jackson. (“Guy Fawkes.” Gale Biography in Context.) He was known by his acquaintances for his loyalty and courage and know he is remembered in Europe for treason and his failure to execute the gunpowder plot to blow up Britain’s House of Parliament on Nov 5, 1605. (“Guy Fawkes.” Encyclopedia of World Biography).

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Fawkes is the most remembered individual from the Powder Treason but, he was not the originator of plan, the actual author of this scheme was Robert Catesby. (“Guy Fawkes.” Gale Biography in Context). The gunpowder plot was devised to dethrone King James I for religious purposes by blowing up the House of Parliament on Nov 5. On May 1604, Catesby met with Fawkes, Thomas Percy, Thomas Wintour, and Jack and Christopher Wright at an inn in London’s upscale Strand district, where they swore an oath after approving Catesby’s plan to blow up the Parliament House. Fawkes took the role as John Johnson a servant of another fellow conspirator, Thomas Percy. (“Guy Fawkes.” Encyclopedia of World Biography). They took residence in London, which to their advantage was just below the halls of Parliament. In 1605 they began to fill the cellars with barrels of Gunpowder and hid them under piles of wood. On the date of the explosion November 5, King James, the House of Lords and the House of Commons were all going to meet on the same chamber. Fawkes due to his military experience and courage was put in charge of lighting the match. (Step…

… mother, a recusant herself married another fellow recusant a few years later after his father’s death. They relocated to Scotton, North of Yorkshire were he made a connection with devout Catholics who were working on protecting the rights of Catholics under the country’s rooted Anglican regime. He began to attend St. Peter’s School where he met two future member of plot. During his younger years he had become serious about Catholicism and therefore he felt the need to do something against the unjust laws of the King.All of his past accomplishments were soon forgotten due to one single mistake committed not by him, but by one of his comrades. During his youth, Fawkes served in the military abroad for a certain period of time and for about two years he worked as a footman for a Catholic nobleman Lord Montague were he distinguished himself as an excellent swordsman.

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