Dogs well, this is because a dogs’

Dogs have recently become extremely important members of many families around the world, both children and adults love them, loyalty is believed to be one of their traits in addition to being playful, friendly and intelligent pets and companions.

But although majority of people in our society consider dogs to be on top of the list of “the best house pets” – this does not necessarily mean that is it true. Throughout my essay I will argue that dogs are dangerous house pets.Many dog owners are unaware of the numerous life-threatening diseases that may be transmitted from their dogs through simply a bite or a scratch and these include: rabies, salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis, campylobacteriosis and several others. However, dog owners are not the only ones who are susceptible to such illnesses but perhaps, their infected dogs maybe putting other lives at risk as well, this is because a dogs’ waste is an another way by which diseases can spread for instance; kids who may be playing around areas covered with dog faeces are very likely to catch serious infections.Moreover, in opposition to those who believe that dogs are loyal, in reality while many of us prefer the companionship of a pet especially a dog; we ignore the fact that one cannot simply trust an animal since its behaviors can be unpredictable.

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If even a human friend who has the knowledge, the wisdom, the logic and the ability to reason, may one day betray you, then what rational explanation could be given when someone gives away his/her trust to a dog?. Furthermore, regardless of a dog’s breed, it can bite; therefore it is unwise to leave your child alone with your dog, children often love to play with their furry friends but are unaware that their behavior might in one way or another trigger the dog causing them severe harm since dogs can easily reach a child’s neck or head. According to statistics, at least 50,000 children below the age of 6 suffered an injury as a result of a dog bite in 2014 (Schroeder, 2016) in addition to that, about 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs each year and about 50% of all homeowner insurance liability claims that were paid out in 2011 totaling $479 million were due to dog attacks (Smith, 2015).

In conclusion, although many do know about the various diseases that can be possibly transmitted, people still find it difficult to believe that an intelligent, loving and friendly pet such as a dog can be a threat to them and their children yet statistics do prove that every dog despite its breed can be vicious therefore if we give ourselves a second though we may realize that a dog is not a safe house pet and cannot really be our “best friend”.

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