Development is a process where by a nation experiences change for the the better in terms of poverty

Development is a process where by a nation experiences change for the the better in terms of poverty, unemployment and inequality. Development refers to efforts to offer welfare program, aid and resources toward the alleviation of poverty, transforming rural areas and provision of the basic needs of the poor to ensure continuous survival of their race through posterity. The work of the development institutions has not been an innocent effort on behalf of the poor, as they tend to perpetrate the old political relationships thus colonialism in disguise and creation of dependency syndrome through aid. Nevertheless, poverty reduction, gender equality, sustainable development, improvement of the health and educational systems and achievement of millennium development goals show that the development institutions are not there to entirely exploit the poor countries, rather they have a genuine cause to help foster development in poor nations.
Definition of terms
?Development is a process whereby a nation or country has low rates of unemployment, poverty and inequality Seers, D. (1977).
?Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our common future. United Nations. Retrieved from:
?Development Institutions are organisations that offer development assistance to poor or developing countries and these include development banks, government and international agencies and non governmental organisations World Bank Annual Report. (2012).

Development assistance is achieved through different institutions such as the development banks, non governmental organisations, government and international agencies. World bank, African Development Bank (ADB), Inter-American Development are examples of development banks that foster development in poor countries by giving loans World Bank Annual Report. (2012). Wealthy countries countries disburse development assistance through development departments or agencies that are part of their national governments. These agencies build infrastructure in developing countries, provide

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feminine relief and make grants to regional development banks World Bank Annual Report. (2012). The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the United States of Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID) are some of the examples of international agencies that assist in developing poor countries. Non governmental Organisations are also part of the development institutions which share the same vision of assisting development in poor countries. Non governmental Organisations such as Oxfam international, World vision, Care international and Plan International among others are development institutions that work in different developing countries with the aim of eradicating poverty, promoting gender equality, improving both the health and the educational sector among other development objectives.
Main discussion
Development is a process of economic and social transformation that is based on complex cultural and environmental factors and their interactions This suggests that development is process that has to do with change or upgrading to a better state that is equally beneficial to everyone involved, that is, both the poor and the rich in the countries, the work of the development institutions have proved to be colonialism in disguise. The biggest donors concentrate their foreign aid on their former colonies to perpetrate old relationships Porter , T. 2003. The interaction between political and humanitarian action in Sierra Leone, 1995 to 2002. Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.. This is exemplified by the of the United Kingdom to Sierra Leone, where the United Kingdom used soft power projections. The actions of the United Kingdom of not addressing the conflict at its early stages led to its description as the villain of the conflict and hero of peace Porter , T. 2003. The Interaction between political and humanitrian action in Sierra Leone , 1995 to 2002. Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.. This description implies that the United Kingdom was a double edged sword that on the other hand sought to help Sierra Leone genuinely and on the other hand it was benefiting from the conflict, as it was in favour of the government that was involved in serious human rights abuses. The United Kingdom used humanitarian aid for political purposes in order to restore the Kabbah government. This therefore shows that, the United Kingdom as the

biggest development institution in Sierra Leone was there to perpetrate old relationships than to solve the conflict, hence, validating the assertion that the work of the development institutions is not an innocent effort on behalf of the poor.

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