Analysis In a project environment setting as project team is a purposive structure and usually consists of different team size

In a project environment setting as project team is a purposive structure and usually consists of different team size, team composition and needs to achieve its project goals within certain resource and time constraints (Project Management Institute, 2008). Unlike teams which are ongoing projects team trust, team cohesion, team satisfaction and team effectiveness are difficult to form due to temporary nature of the project team in a multi-ethnical and multi-cultural. In another Study by Cohen & Bailey (Cohen, S. G. and D. E. Bailey, 1997), team effectiveness is a function of the following four categories of factors which include: (i) environmental factors, (ii) design factors, (iii) group processes, and (iv) group psychosocial traits. Within team effectiveness, it is divided into three major dimensions which include: (i) performance outcomes, (ii) attitudinal outcomes, and (iii) behavioral outcomes. Performance outcomes include efficiency, productivity, response times, quality, customer satisfaction and innovation. Attitudinal outcomes are team outcome factors that cover employee satisfaction, commitment and trust in management. Lastly, behavioral outcomes include absenteeism, turnover and safety.

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