According of integration in either academic or social

According to the Social Cognitive Theory of Albert Bandura, people learn based on watching what others do and the human perception processes are central to understanding personality. This theory provides a framework for understanding and predicting.According to Cognitive Relational Theory by Lazarus and Forlkman, it defines stress of a particular relationship between a person and its environment. It is appraised by a person as taxing or exceeding his or her resources and endangering his or her well-being.Tinto’s theory of Social and academic Integration(1975), drew upon the work of Spady(1970), the Durkheim’s theory of suicide to student retention.

This theory is based on the affirmation of the resemblance that an individual will commit suicide predicted by their level of integration to society(Tinto 1975,91). Tinto asserts that dropout occurs because students are insufficiently integrated into different aspects of the university. Tinto further debate that dropout could occur because of lack of integration in either academic or social systems of the school(Tinto 1975,92). In 1987, Tinto revised the theory by including three stages og moving from one community to another. The first stage is separation which refers to te student’s parting with one group to join another. The second stage is transition in which a student deals with the stresses of coping new, unfamiliar environment.

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The third stage is incorporation, the last stage which the students become competent in being a member of a new environment (McClanahan 2004, 3; Swail Redd and Perna 203,46). The further revision of Tinto’s theory in 1993 added other variables affecting the social and academic integration of students in the university. The variables are adjustment, difficulty, incongruence, isolation, learning and external obligations or commitment of the students in the school (Tinto 1993, 45).

The Integration theory of Tinto was revised again in 1997 by focusing on classroom experience. The interaction process between inside and outside the classroom determine the social and academic integration of the students (Tinto 1997, 1 of 4). The theoretical view of Bennett (2003,127) elaborates the two appearances of Tinto’s model. The first aspect is academic integration which includes factors such as academic performance of a student and the second aspect is the social integration which includes factors of a student’s self-respect and the rate of relationship between a student and a teacher. Berge and Huang (2004,8), McCubbin(2003,2), and Seidman(1996,1 of 6) furtherly explained Tinto’s theory that a student who plans to enter college, the characteristic such as family background,academic ability, and prior schooling will figure out their academic and social integration into the school environment and their academic performance.

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