Abstract learners have from computer assisted studying.

It is essential to analyze how people learn with the help of computers and which learning activities they deploy during this process. Essential to distance learning is the way new media like internet and intranet can support the learner. It is important to know what expectations learners have from computer assisted studying. It regards the development of effective learning environments, by focusing on two sides of the construction process. The first is the side of the media and their functionalities, both activated and potential, and their disfunctionalities. The second is the exploration of three types of learning activities: cognitive, regulative and affective. Based on these two, we are in pursuit of an optimal mix of media, old and new.
Kew Words: Traditional Learning, New Media, communication, E-generation, Education sector, Cognitive, & Regulative and Affective,
Learning and instruction
The essential features of learning and instruction can be described in just a few words. ‘Learning is making sense of the world. Instruction is aiding to learn. To design a learning environment you must know the learner’s goals and the resources that are available. Then you can create learning activities.’ From this perfect description three elements can be elaborated upon. The first is a pedagogical element: what are the learner’s goals? How can a learner become aware of them? New developments in assessment of competencies make it possible to get them clear. The second element is a technical one: which resources are required? Which media are available to present them?
New media offer new functionalities to open up resources. The element is innovation: what learning activities are possible these days? How can they be supported through the media? As new functionalities are available, new ways of supporting the learning activities can be found and maybe even new learning goals can be attained. This contribution offers a conceptual framework to support the design of learning environments. The focus of the framework is: ‘What combination of media offers an optimal mix of learning functions to support the learner’s activities, necessary to attain his or her desired learning outcomes?

New Medium of Media: Google, Facebook , Youtube & Smartphon
Google has latched onto new online learning and created tools to improve academic environments. Google Apps for Education allow teachers and students to share documents, share calendars, and communicate using integrated video chat.
Similarly, Facebook is much more than a website used for socializing; it has great potential for online advocacy. It provides a platform to publicize what we care about, including news stories, personal achievements, and political opinions. Teachers may begin to use Facebook as a learning tool by posting information using Facebook or developing Facebook apps relevant to course materials. Some teachers have started using Facebook as a course management system, including Brian Smith, an Information Sciences and Technology professor at Penn State University. According to Smith, Facebook is useful because it allows students to receive almost instantaneous feedback. Facebook sends messages to his phone, allowing him to respond to students even when he’s not near a computer.
YouTube and other video chat services provide potential for learning via videos instead of live presence in a classroom. Studies on the difference in learning using video and live instruction show neither method is clearly preferable. Without a strong benefit of live instruction, it seems that video lectures could often prove worthwhile. Video lectures are much cheaper for institutions, as one video can be watched by an infinite number of students, and the same video can be used from one semester to another. Additionally, video lectures can be combined with interactive components such as discussion with other students to provide a better learning experience, and perhaps even improve students’ experiences.
Smartphone’s allow students to use their cell phones to look up information. Smartphones can access the Internet (and therefore, sites such as Google, Youtube, and Wikipedia), as well as provide easy-to-access information using apps. Smartphone applications include many tools that could prove useful in the classroom, including language translation and dictionaries. Students can even read e-books on their phones. The capabilities of phones certainly provide challenges to traditional teaching. How can a teacher have a spelling test or geography test when students can easily pull at their phones and look up the answers? Are these sorts of tests even relevant when students can so easily access information?

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The Influences of Media upon Education

Education, an investment of lifetime includes learning at different levels from school to the university. It enables an individual to grow with adequate knowledge, critical thinking and an environment conducive maturation. This knowledge sector definitely shapes the life of an individual into a confident being to make a mark in the competition driven world.
Mass-media influences a society on all the channels that it has, and the consumer is the one that rejects or decodes the information. Even if the consumer can never be obliged through mass-media channels to react in a way wished by the one that transmits the information, even though mass-media creates currents, modifies opinions builds or destroys personalities, promotes models with or without intention, the impact with the consumer is overwhelming because does not address itself to a single individual which can refuse the non-value, the bad taste, the illiteracy, the kitsch, the dilettantism, immorality, the subproject, but it addresses an immense mass of consumers and always a big part of them (especially if they are young) can be modeled in a negative sense. To become operational mass media can consume a longer or shorter time. The effect of mass media on the individual, when the promoted values and opinions converge makes the individual adhering to the message, an evident thing especially regarding the youngsters and especially in the entertainment domain or can make the individual assimilate the behavior values and models transmitted by mass-media and to use them as personal values.

The mass media information presented accessibly, nicely attracts the child or the youth and stimulates it intellectually and affectively and a convergent action school-mass-media focalized on the student can be extremely effective in the formation of necessary aptitudes in the modern society, but it has to be extremely efficient in aptitude formation necessary to the modern society, because it has to be used correctly because family, school and mass-media model behavior. Promoting values as freedom, dignity, honor etc. have to be projected and promoted in detriment of passivity, commodity in behavior and thinking, the search of superficiality, aesthetical and moral mediocrity, antisocial acts that instigate, homogenization and behavioral standardization, the sexual emphasis, violence instigation, spiritual homogenization, inadequate vocabulary or mass-media excess that leads to dependence that brings about nervous exhaustion, stress and even depressions. Using the reasoning methods of research, the inductive reasoning more, and the deductive one less, we identified several conclusions, which led us to recommendations.

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