CHAPTER communication; problem solving; collaboration; and critical thinking

CHAPTER ITHE PROBLEM AND ITS RELATED LITERATUREINTRODUCTION: Over the past several decades the World has a big challenge on how to support and teach these skills in schools and classrooms. There has been increased demand for formal education to include the development of generic skills as well as traditional academic subjects, These skills for today’s rapidly changing society, such as communication; problem solving; collaboration; and critical thinking are being acknowledged increasingly. Example: include competencies for ways of thinking, ways of working, and tools for working and skills for living. (Care, 2017) Adopts a value – centric framework that incorporates 21st century competencies including civic literacy; global awareness; and cross cultural skills; critical and inventive thinking; communication; collaboration; and information skills; as well as social and emotional competencies. It’s an important consideration the Elementary Level, because so many of the technology trends in education are tested out and geared toward middle and high schools. One – to – one computer initiatives, for example: usually start at sixth grade or higher? Google Application for Education is fabulous, but to what extent can seven – and – eight – years old use it? It takes a bit more reflection to figure out what the trickle- down effect of technology trends really means for the youngest learners.

21st century learning in Elementary School has the same overall goals while Secondary School: It’s only the implementation that differs. We want students to be practicing the 8 C’s in Elementary School: critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, care of the environment, computing / ICT literacy, cross-cultural understanding and career and learning self-reliance while 7C’s in Secondary School: critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, computing / ICT literacy, cross-cultural understanding and career and learning self-reliance. They should be producing content, not just consuming it passively. Though technology isn’t synonymous with 21st century learning, it is an integral part of it, and it’s often the set of tools that makes this new approach to teaching and learning possible. The purpose of technology used in 21st century classroom should be connected to the students with their World and enable them learn from others and to share their own ideas. It should also be used to differentiate the curriculum so that students are learning on their own developmental levels and are able to pursue their unique interests and passions. So, the goals of 21st century learning in the Elementary classroom are helping each child to communicate, collaborate and exercise creativity and critical thinking while both consuming and producing content that connects them with their World in ways that are personally meaningful and relevant.

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Background of Study In response to the challenge of bringing the 21st century learning to public schools, the Department order 105 series 2009 – Guidelines in Managing the Proper Use of Internet Services in all Administrative Offices and Schools describes this country advances through the 21st century, the use of technology to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information has grown and the public has learned to accept Information and Communication Technology (ICT) , the use of the Internet has become a huge factor of an individual’s development. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks. In private higher education institutions should initiate or continue the use of social media in classrooms, because it is use as a tools. While in public institutions should improve internet reliability and speed, reassess their use of social media in order to fully take advantage of the benefits of ICT. (D.Z.

Dumpit, C.J. Fernandez, 2017). Computer that connects to the internet can access information from a vast number of servers and other documents and send information onto the network which can be saved and ultimately accessed by other servers and computers. With this development, teachers and students will have unlimited learning resources and for Administrative Offices, the internet can be used for research study, communication and service purposes.

RationaleThe researcher wants to address the gap about Components of 21st century learning in intermediate level in Selected Public Schools in Division of Meycauayan, to know if the teachers collaborate in improving classroom practices, if challenges need to be addressed and if courses of action can be undertaken to ensure classroom success. In response to the challenge of bringing the 21st century learning in the classroom situation.REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE As stated in the studies about Class Blogmeister Learning as Conversation (2004-2016) discussing how to use class Blogmeister in grade six students in classroom situations across the U.S and around the World from 2004 until 2016 “It is designed to provide a writing and reading platform for classrooms”.

( D. Warlickand, 2004-2016) “Connect, play and create” connect means priceless like: Blog, Wikipedia, tweets and video conferences or Skype students can reach beyond the wall in the classroom. It suggest that changes can support teaching and learning activities. Play in creating a blog to share and reflect to an audience and create a collective text and build content, together to learn about the World, time zones and Geocaching.It was entirely free to educators and learners. So that, students enjoy looking back to their writings from year past. (J.

D. Prezi, 2016) “Availability of digital technology for school education; learning data in e-learning process; and on the teacher development for pre-service and in-service teachers”. (S.C. Kong et.

al, 2014). One of the curriculum goals of e-learning in school education is to develop learners for 21st century skills through their daily learning activities. “Many young people are technologically literate regarding social networking and using mobile technologies as everyday tools, but they may still be neophytes when it comes to understanding how to use them in purposeful and educationally oriented ways”.

(N. Wright 2010). They imply that using the technology we can practice creating more activities within the classroom situation. As stated in the article about What 21st Century Learning? A Review and a Synthesis this term serves to distinguish 21st century frameworks to provide clarity on what is actually means to teach and learn in the 21st century and to find common themes across frameworks”.

(P. Mishra and K. Kereluik, 2011). Several organizations have developed 21st century frameworks.

“This article reports the results of a Delphi study to determine the general need for the preparation of computer technology competencies of business education teachers for the 21st learning”. (R.W. McCoy 2001). Advance technology use in different ways to interact with one another. As stated in the Journal of Statistics Education 2012.

This article examines different aspects of currently identified challenges in the teaching and learning of statistics and gives an overview of useful strategies and innovations for developing research-based statistics courses in the context of recommendations for reforms, outlining the place of information technology within this framework. “Although such skills are seen as crucial, the digital aspect integrated with 21st century skills is not yet sufficiently defined”. (E.V. Laar, 2017).

They examined the relation between 21st century skills and digital skills. “Teachers also impart personal values to students in the process. Diversity in contemporary school classrooms is represented by a variety of characteristics, including sexual orientation, students are verbally and physically harassed at school. Teachers are often the first line of defense in situations involving harassment at school”.

(M.L. Garett, 2012) .It extends the understanding among teachers to work with values integration in subjects.

As stated in the study of Nurazidawati Mohamad Arsad in 2011 this aims to develop a valid and reliable instrument for measuring 21st century skills towards biology to determine five constructs: digital age literacy, inventive thinking, effective communication, high productivity and spiritual values. (N.M.

Arsad; 2011). It describes that with 21st century skills we can study and practice to determine five constructs in every subjects.

As stated in the article 21st Century skills and Competencies for new Millennium Learners in OECD countries “Similarly, there are few teacher training programs that target the teaching or development of 21st century skills, although there exist several teacher training initiatives that focus on developing teachers’ ICT pedagogically skills, most of them are optional”. (K. Ananiadou; M. Claro, 2009). Describes that few teacher needs to develop their teaching using the 21st century skills.

“Challenges from the further and higher education sectors. In terms of : the kinds of capabilities valued, taught for and assessed revealed through competence frameworks; the ways which capabilities are supported and the value placed on staff and student literacies of the digital collected”. (Helen Beetham, et.

al; 2009). Marshall A. George (2011 stated that in the study of Preparing Teachers to Teach Adolescent Literature in the 21st Century). “Written primarily for other English teacher educators, this article explores one University Professor’s attempt to reflect on, review and revise the content, pedagogy and assessments utilized to teach a graduate course in adolescent literature to pre-service and in-service teachers”. (M.A George 2011).

However, we need to enhance more effectively the 21st century skills in colleges and university. “The recent decades have witnessed increased interest to develop learner centered approaches. This has resulted in rush of ideas and theories for improving the teaching-learning outcomes, which have been extensively studied and experimented as we move toward the 21st century”. (N.

Snehi; 2011).It extends to understand the students’ activeness in the classroom activities and types of observable interactions during collaborative learning. “Explores the three main categories of 21st Century Skills: Learning and innovations skills; digital literacy skills; and life and career skills addresses timely issues such as the rapid advance of technology”. (B. Trilling; C.

Fadel 2009). It describes that with technology we can easily access and understand information.Interpretation of Review Related Literature: Some of the studies about components of 21st century learning focuses on the platform of reading and writing to connect, play and create those students that inclined in 21st learning. Availability of technology and knowledge about technology are the problems encountered nowadays to provide clarity of 21st century learning. As stated in their studies preparation of technology need to addressed to identify challenges in the teaching and learning, 21st century skills is not yet sufficiently defined because teachers need also impart personal values to students in the process, to develop a valid and reliable instrument for measuring 21st century skills, few teacher training programs that target the teaching or development of 21st century skills, to support and to teach the students, schools need to give a pre-service and in-service teachers seminars to increased interest and to develop learner centered approaches in classroom studies while on my study I want to know if the teachers collaborate in improving classroom practices, if challenges need to be addressed and if courses of action can be undertaken to ensure classroom success.

In response to the challenge of bringing the 21st century learning in the classroom situation.Theoretical /Conceptual FrameworkActivity theory. This activity theory model contextualizes the interaction between humans and computers with the activity systems in which it takes place, recognizing the mediation of instruments and tools, rules and school activities. (Mwanza, D.

, Yrjõ Engestrõm 2005) have written a short summary of the ideas behind activity theory and expansive learning. “Activity theory presents a collection of basic ideas for conceptualizing both individual and collective practices as developmental processes of the context in which human activities normally takes place”. The idea of studying human activities as developmental processes is crucial for identifying changes and contradictions that exist in an activity. “Activity theory is a framework or descriptive tool for a system”. People are more of a descriptive meta-theory or framework than a predictive theory. Considers entire/ work/activity system (including teams, organizations etc.) One of them is the systems theory by Ludwig con Bertalanffy “That work together to produce some result it describes the following: structure, purpose nature, society and science and is framework by which one can investigate or describe any group or objects”.

It can be natural or man-made that expressed the effects and if one part as change the other parts will affects. The goal of systems is to discover to achieve the equality that structures and components are being processed called thinking.According to Joshua S. Grover (2010), he describe that in organizational theory, leadership and culture provide personal perspective of decision making. This means creating an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation. It is this vision that has shaped my understanding of what an effective leader is, in which groups of people such as students, teachers, curriculum specialist and administrators interact according to certain norms and behaviors, plan the curriculum in terms of programs, schedules, space, resources and equipment’s and personnel PROCESSDescribe the Components of 21st Century Learning of Intermediate LevelsCompare variables departments.

CONCEPT21st Century Components of Learning in Intermediate Level22859996675340Figure 1 Paradigm of the StudyIn Concept about 21st Century Components of Learning in Intermediate Level there are 8 C’s in Elementary School: critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, care of the environment, computing / ICT literacy, cross-cultural understanding and career and learning self-reliance while in process, it describes the components of 21st century learning of intermediate levels, and compares the variables which is 21st century learning and intermediate level.Statement of the Problem This study aims to describe the components of 21st century learning in intermediate level in Schools Division of Meycauayan CitySpecifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. How may the 21st century learning in intermediate level be described in the following components: 1.

1 communication;1.2 collaboration;1.3 critical thinking;1.4 creativity;1.5 care for the environment;career and self-reliance;1.

7 cross-cultural understanding;1.8 and computing / ICT literacy? 2. Are there significant differences in the components of learning when grouped according to grade levels?HypothesisThere is no significant difference in the components of 21st century learning in intermediate level?Significance of the study The findings of the study will benefit the following.

Pupils will be able to improve their thinking skills and provide them quality, meaningful and technology in 21st century learning. Teachers will be able to develop a higher degree of commitment and understand the importance of using the 21st century learning in classroom situation. School administrators will be able to improve their leadership styles and motivate teachers in embracing the components of 21st century learning that brought changes in teaching.

Researchers will be able to study, solve and report new knowledge about components of 21st century learning.Scope and Definition of the Study This study describes the use of technology in teaching intermediate pupils by sixty (60) intermediate teachers of Schools Division of Meycauayan City. The respondents of the study are teachers from the following schools, chosen through purposive sampling. Fifteen (10) of the respondents come from Libtong Elementary School; ten (10) of the respondents come from Malhacan Integrated School; ten (10) of the respondents come from Langka Elementary School; ten (10) of the respondents come from Bagbaguin Elementary School; ten (10) of the respondents come from Iba Elementary School; and ten (10) of the respondents come from Bahay Pare Elementary School.A total of sixty (60) intermediate teacher-respondents.

Teachers as respondents chosen by Purposive sampling. Definition of Terms For clearer understanding of the study, the terms used are conceptually and operationally defined. Components. One or more parts of something such as system, an important piece of something.21st Century learning. Technology literacy in digital media fluency, advanced computer and internet communications.

Intermediate Level. Beginning level of pupils in elementary in four to six graders.Pupils.

It refers to somebody who studies in the elementary level.CHAPTER IIMETHODS AND PROCEDURES This chapter presents the method of research, setting and respondents of the study instrumentation and validation, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.Research Design The Descriptive Research method will be used to describe the present events, information, ideas and situations that exist. According to Burns and Grove (2003:201), descriptive research “is designed to provide a picture of a situation as it naturally happen”; however, is is quite different from the descriptions found in other types of studies. It may be used to justify current practice and make judgment and also to develop theories.For the purpose of this study, descriptive research describes the components of 21st century learning in teaching intermediate level in Schools Division of Meycauayan City and surveys the components of 21st century learning in intermediate level. Respondents and Setting of the study The respondents of the study are sixty (60) intermediate teachers of Schools Division of Meycauayan City.

The respondents of the study are teachers from the following schools, chosen through purposive sampling. ten (10) of the respondents from Libtong Elementary School; ten (10) of the respondents from Malhacan Integrated School; ten (10) of the respondents from Langka Elementary School; ten (10) of the respondents from Bagbaguin Elementary School; ten (10) of the respondents come from Iba Elementary School; and ten (10) of the respondents from Bahay Pare Elementary School.A total of sixty (60) intermediate teacher-respondents.

Instrumentation and ValidationThe researcher will read books, magazines, journals, printed and non-printed materials to have ideas on how to device the survey questionnaire. From such review the researcher will formulate the questionnaire based on the statement of the problem in this study. The questionnaire focuses on components of 21st century learning in teaching intermediate level in Schools Division of Meycauayan City. Formulated questionnaire will be presented to the adviser and three critiques for the comments and suggestion. The questionnaire will be content validated and cronbach Alpha (.05) to test its reliability schools that is the Division of Meycauayan.Part 1 of the questionnaire describes the components of 21st century learning in teaching intermediate level in terms of the following – communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, career and self – reliance, cross-cultural understanding and computing / ICT literacy.

The second part of the questionnaire describes the differences in the components of learning when grouped according to grade levels. Data Gathering Procedure Before the questionnaires are administered, the researcher will seek permission from the Division Superintendent of Meycauayan City to allow the researcher to conduct the survey to the intermediate level teachers in Schools Division of Meycauayan City. As soon as permission is granted, the researcher distributes the questionnaires to the respondents. Upon completing the questionnaires the researcher will retrieve, tabulate and encode the answer and statistical treatment will be employed for its analysis and interpretation.Statistical Treatment of DataThe data collected in this study will be organized and will be classified based on the research design and the problems formulated. The data will be coded, tallied and tabulated to facilitate the presentation and interpretation of results using a chosen and appropriate formula.Weighted mean The weighted mean was used to know how the components is being attained by the respondents, used as Statistical tools of the study.

WM=f1x1N Where: WM = weighted mean f = frequency of an item of response x = dataStandard deviation The standard deviation was used to determine the components of 21st century when grouped according to the grade level of intermediate, used as Statistical tools of the study.For Grouped datas2=f x-x2n-1T-Test or ANOVA The T-test or ANOVA was used to test the hypothesis or significance of correlation will be used to determine if there is a significant relationship between the variables used in the study like components of 21st century learning and intermediate level.tvalue=rn-21-r2 Where: r – correlation coefficient n – number of sample df=n-2 Where: df- degrees of freedomQuestionnaire:Direction: Below are items on the use of technology to the intermediate pupils in collaborative learning.SCALE UNIT VALUE INTERPRETATION5 5.

00 – 4.21 fully implemented4 3.41-4.20 moderately implemented3 2.61-3.40 fairly implemented2 1.81-2.

60 seldom implemented1 1.00-1.80 not implementedINDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1Critical Thinking Analyzing and evaluating the data or information you gathered. Conducting and applying the knowledge into action. Creativity Enhance their creativity and innovativeness in technology.

Make an originality in presenting outputs. Communication Produce new knowledge through interaction. Share meanings relevant to problem solving at hand in their classroom activities.

Collaboration 1. Develop their prosocial behaviour like cooperating with classmates to cope with learning task. 2. Giving a task among learners. Care of the Environment Attending cleaning programs in school and barangay projects pertain to the environment. Addressing the problems in the environment. Aware health issues of one selves.

Cross- Cultural Understanding Understand the culture differences between themselves and people. Understand the differences in attitudes and values of people. Communicate to others with respect. Career and Learning Self Reliance 1.

Accept responsibility among one selves. 2. Making decisions about problem 3. Recognize and accept one’s own feelings Computing/ ICT Literacy 1. Develop their information, media and ICT literacy. 2. Improve teacher’s work and students ‘learning on ICT.

3. Update the records using computers. References:Ananiadou, K. (2009). 21st Century skills and Competencies for new millennium learners in OECD countries.

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