Working important that I work in partnership with

Working in partnership creates a clear understanding of the different roles each person has. Clear responsibilities and lines of communication lead to successful partnership working. Shared records like written, email, fax, face to face, working effectively together. It is very important that I work in partnership with my colleagues and all other people. This will include carers, families, advocates, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, other health professionals, social workers, voluntary organisations and other people to enhance the wellbeing of the resident and support positive and better outcomes. Evidence tells us that supporting patients to be actively involved in their own care, treatment and support can improve outcomes and experience for patients, and potentially yield efficiency savings for the system through more personalized commissioning and supporting people to stay well and manage their own conditions better.

Working in partnership with others enables me to perform tasks that would be impossible on my own, for example hoisting a resident or performing routine checks I would work together with my colleague to complete the task. Colleagues are not the only people I can benefit from working in a partnership with however, the families of residents, and the resident themselves, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, social workers and other healthcare workers and professionals. These people may be able to help give me useful information and help me in my job, supporting me with any problems I might have. If there are difficulties in communicating with an individual resident for example, talking to a family member or a friend and working with them can help me by suggesting methods of communication, or even by communicating with the individual themselves to help reach a solution. With the working partnership of anyone that’s accessible.

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Partnership working can be done in many ways and there are many different methods of doing it. One way could be to give honest and fair information and opinions to the people you work with to help build a strong bond of trust and encourage people to act in the same manner toward me as I do to them. Identifying strengths and weaknesses of individuals is also a way to improving partnerships, as it can create an opportunity for everyone to learn, and to provide the best possible care for the resident. I can improve partnership working by attending training sessions and knowing my own roles and responsibilities, and having everyone know the policies and procedures. Also having good communication between everyone involved can make working with a partner much easier and more efficient.

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