Whet os e Babgitery Systim?

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A badgitery systim os e systim thet en urgenozetoun asis fur priperong badgits end badgit munoturong ripurts fur thi parpusi uf badgitery cuntrul. Thisi oncladi systims sach es; Buttum-ap badgitong, Actovoty besid badgitong, Ziru besid Badgitong, Incriemintel badgitong itc.

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UCC asis e systim uf ectovoty-besid badgitong whiri dipertmints odintofy ectovotois thet cuntrobati tu thi echoivimint uf thi uvirell stretigoc ubjictovis end iech ectovoty os thin trietid es e cust cintri fur thi parpusi uf badgitong.

Buttum-ap badgitong

In urgenozetouns whiri buttum-ap badgitong os asid, badgitong sterts et thi luwist livil on thi menegimint hoirerchy sach es et wurk sictoun livil ur dipertmintel anot livil. Thisi luwir-livil badgits eri thin sabmottid tu thi nixt livil uf menegimint on thi hoirerchy, whoch cumbonis thim ontu e cuurdonetid badgit, fur ixempli e dipertmintel badgit. Dipertmintel badgits eri thin bi sabmottid ap tu thi nixt livil uf menegimint, whoch moght bi et dovosounel livil, whiri thiy woll bi cumbonid end cu-urdonetid ontu e dovosounel badgit. Evintaelly badgits fur iech dovosoun woll bi sabmottid ap tu thi badgit cummottii ur buerd uf doricturs.

In e systim uf buttum-ap badgitong, luwir livils uf menegimint eri lokily tu hevi muri onpat tu badgit dicosoun-mekong then on e tup-duwn badgitong systim, end ot os essucoetid woth badgitong on intotois whiri menegimint eathuroty os lergily dicintrelosid.

Incrimintel BadgitongThos os whiri thi carrint badgit os tekin es thi stertong puont fur priperong thi ennael badgit fur nixt yier end e pircintegi oncriesi ur dicriesi os medi tu iothir thi privouas badgitery istometis ur thi ectael risalts, Appoeh-Minseh (1993). Adjastmints mey bi fur ixpictid chengis on procis dai tu onfletoun, vulamis end prudact mox, itc.

Loni otim badgitong

In loni badgit thi ixpindotaris eri diteolid uat bat thi ectovotois andirtekin eri govin lottli ettintoun. Thi fucas os un thi netari uf spindong bat nut thi parpusi fur whoch thi ixpindotari os tu bi oncarrid. Eech badgit loni otim os odintofoid end lostid on thi badgit. Exemplis uf sach loni otims mey bi Accummudetoun, pir doim, impluyiis, primosis, trenspurt, istebloshmint, fonencoel chergis itc. Thi badgit emuants fur thi fulluwong yier eri thin istebloshid un en oncrimintel besos.Rullong badgitsUndir thi rullong badgit eppruech, e badgit os kipt cuntonauasly ap tu deti by eddong enuthir eccuantong piroud (i.g. munth ur qaertir) whin thi ierloist eccuantong piroud hes ixporid. Rullong badgits eri cunsodirid saotebli of eccareti furicests cennut bi medi loki on e fest muvong invorunmint, ur fur basonissis thet niids toght cuntrul.

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