What type of candidates for the job, so

What is each document , explain purpose of each document, similarities , differences and apprioateness of the documents of SantanderThe need of a job advert is to advertise Santander’s need to fill an open vacancy within the business. Such as the job advert for branch manager, which gives anyone interested in the job an idea of the brief details and information of what the job in tails so they know what they are applying for. The job advert is a way Santander can make sure they attract the right type of candidates for the job, so they’re not wasting time or money on recruiting people not fit for the job. A job advert is appripoate for a business like Santander, for reasons such as to even get the job some qualifications or experience may be needed, so the applicant would need to know this before they apply.

The difference between a job advert and job specification , is that the job advert is meant to tell the candidate about the position they are applying for then however a job specification is what skills and experiences the candidate will need for the job.A person specification is a description of the skills, experiences, qualifications and attributes that Santander need for that certain job, such as its important for a branch manager to have attributes such as being a confident leader and also have the determination to meet targets but however it may not be as desirable to have attributes straight away such as having the willingness to work occasionally outside of contracted hours or the willingness to respond to emergency callouts. Another example is different qualifications that would be needed for the job such as for example a university degree in a related field. The difference between a job description and a person specification is that a job description explains the brief essential requirements of the job, then however a person specification will explain the detailed description of the skills, qualifications, experiences and attributes that are needed for the job. A job description also mentions important information such as; the salary range, place of work, what the job includes doing whereas the person specification mentions things such as the educational qualifications, etc.’Curriculum vitae is a written overview of a person’s experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity’.

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The use of a CV for Santander is to find out certain details that they would need to know to decide whether the candidate would be good for the job, especially for a company like Santander which would need to have high quality employees unlike some McDonald’s employees which may not have the same skills or experiences. A CV also needs to stand out to all the other applicants, so the human resources team will be interested in you because of your CV, when they are shortlisting down to the applicants that are getting interviews.Then the purpose of a cover letter is to show yourself to the organization and demonstrate your interest in a job position, by drawing attention to your resume and motivate the reader to interview you over all the other applicants. A cover letter is also used to introduce yourself to the business as mainly it is the companies would be introduced about you and it would also include why your skills and experiences that you have would match the job position your applying for and why you would be the person they need to hire.

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