VIVEK KATHROTIYA Autobiographical Narrative ENG-104 MULTICULTURAL ME My name is Vivek Kathrotiya it means polite in English and I was born in small town of Gujarat

Autobiographical Narrative

       My name is Vivek Kathrotiya it means polite in English and I was born in small town of Gujarat, India in March 1997.After just my born we moved in town (city) is larger with approximately 1.56 million residents. I grow up and lived there up to age of 21.  
I don’t know but my mom told me I was too much healthier than other newborn baby. I do not remember much of my early childhood, but my mom said that I was a very active, curious, and communicative child. I would ask dozens of questions each minute, even without waiting for the answers. I suppose this is why my parents offered me books and educational movies as early as my third birthday. Also, many relatives offered me lot of books, creative games.

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I started my education journey at the age of 5 or 6. I started from nursery to then upper level grade. During that journey there were lots of things I like and that I don’t like. I like to have fun with my friends, I like to play cricket, I love hockey and basketball, but what I really love is jokes, sometimes I tell jokes but sometimes I do. And in each vacation I would like to go at grandfather’s home which was in village. So in vacation time we all family member, cousin brother-sister meet each other, talking, share our ideas, foods. That all days kind of memorable. Sometime in vacation if I was at my home, I go for play street games with my friends on street. That part of my life so memorable because, one girl always came in vacation and play with us was first crush. She lived in kind of megacity but in vacation time she always came to my town. Like sensation of eye more toward the light like that way I had more sensation toward her. She has always something new to do, she has different culture, new creativity compares to other and I like that attitude so we became a friends. But after a time we grown up, no more games, no common interest and later on she didn’t even like to come in small town so that way we were going apart to each other.

The things I don’t like were restaurant’s food, street food because those test nothing with compare to home cooked food. So from my childhood I like home cooked food only. So I can eat whatever make by my mom, so now you know about my food test now I’m going to tell you one the biggest things I that in this world … to be BORED!!! Just saying this word makes me really sick. I don’t like really to make myself free even one second in a single day. I always do something something.
Well by now you might know some of my personality but I am going to tell you some more, I think some good points of my personality are that I’m so musical, very joking sometime brave friendly and always motivated when it is time to meet friends and quite sporty since I like cricket, running .I am also funny when it is time to do my jokes. And since my childhood I always attracted with any kind of new things because I was curious, so it always lead me to go on world tour and it was my dream. I haven’t told you about my bad points yet…well some of my bad points are that I am little bit forgetful; well let’s say I am quite forgetful. I am disorganized; I get angry easy sometimes… well each person has their own personality
Throughout the years I have had some obstacles, some of them I still have. As I told you before I am quite forgetful, that has been an obstacle and it is still an obstacle, I lose shoes, notebooks, hats….almost all kinds of things. Also one of the biggest obstacle I had is moving to USA. I had to leave all my friends and most of my family like my uncles, my cousins, my friends….and lots more. I’ve had obstacles like every single person does too. That story was start when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. At that time I wanted to move to USA so my uncle applied for me and my family. But as we know lots of laws and regulation and worldwide lots of people want to move in USA so altogether I just need to wait, nothing to do. It was kind of lottery, may be they denied application too. Instead of waiting, I started carve my own track. In my kid age I love to read about astronomical science, physics, space etc. so I did my high school with science major. After then desire to come USA raised rapidly because at that time I was no more kid, enough capable to understand related to career. But still at that time I need to wait because still my name on waiting list. So after that I started my bachelor in engineering with Electrical major.

Finally, In October 2017, in morning time I got one email from my dad, which mentioned that I can come USA very soon. I was excited for further, without think any more I left my engineering .Still at that time I was in last term , but I want to finish my bachelor from here so there is no point to stay there . I came here, search about good engineering university near my house. I found Purdue University and I stared my rest of engineering there.

I know that still I need to go long way and for that I need to hard work. I need to make new friends and talk with them and need to learn American culture. Before I came here my grandfather told me ‘who work hard, that person will become unstoppable in this world, wherever that type of people live’ and I always agree with him. I will finish dream by doing something great.

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