Unit 8 Final Draft Dominique Rogers Purdue Global University CM 107-01 Professor Smelser October 16

Unit 8
Final Draft
Dominique Rogers
Purdue Global University
CM 107-01
Professor Smelser
October 16, 2018

Technology has been changing the way businesses operate for years now and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. This change has companies constantly reevaluating the most cost-efficient way to conduct their business. It’s quickly becoming clear that drone technology can remodel the way our children experience business. Meanwhile, unmanned aerial vehicles have changes business by accelerating delivery time, ease labor of farmers, and reducing the cost of elevated imagery of real estate agencies.
Imagine ordering something from Amazon, like a bookmark or a gift card. Then just thirty minutes later a drone hovers down in front of your door with your package. I remember seeing things like this in sci-fi movies. Well it looked like science fiction will soon become our reality since Amazon is launching Prime Air to just do that. With the newly invented drones, businesses will be able to deliver to local homes or other businesses without using the normal shipping method. The yearning for accelerated delivery is not only for trivial means. Hasty deliveries are needed daily in emergency rooms around the global. According to Baker (2018) “In March 2016, Zipline, a U.S. startup, partnered with the Rwandan government to launch the world’s first commercial drone delivery service, ferrying vital medical supplies to far-flung hospitals by air.” (Pg. 36) This company uses drones to deliver blood-transfusion supplies, and emergency vaccines to patients in dire need.

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Drones are fly around the country side and not for recreational reasons either. These drones are on the clock. An unmanned aerial vehicle can monitor crop development and check up on the health of herds. Agriculture companies are using drones with farming management concept to measure, observe, and respond to defects found in crops. This method of drone use is commonly referred to as precision agriculture. Agricultural drones have high-tech systems that allow farmers to do things they couldn’t before. With these systems farmers can scan the health of the soil, track weather, estimate yields, collect the data and analyze it for precise action. According to Professor Basso, a foundation Professor of earth and environmental sciences in the college of Natural Science, our views of farmers will change to someone with technological advantaged skills. With farmers using this new technology they could create the next agricultural revolution. One that will benefit the economics of agriculture and the environment. Furthermore, allow the saying “Leave a place better than you found it” to a new level. “We are only leasing the Earth’s land, so we must leave it in better condition than that in which it was given to us.” (Basso, 2018)
An unmanned aerial vehicle can circle an entire property taking pictures or videos. A real estate agent could use this to get aerial footage of not only the property but also the surrounding at area. Using such footage, the real estate agent could show the buyer the neighborhood and surrounding amenities or perhaps show how the kids walk to school would looks like. With just a few hundred dollars a real estate company can cut the price of elevated imagery for future jobs. Making the decision to adapt with the drone change a no brainer. Bert Perry uses drones and cameras to take photographs of many high-end residential properties at different altitudes to help attract potential buyers. (O’Brien,2018) Depending on the equipment of the drone it could take photos, video, or both. With all the different types of drones developed companies can get exactly what they need for the job.
Seeing how unmanned aerial vehicles have changed business for delivery companies, farmers, and realtors, we can understand why companies are turning to drone technology. Other companies are seeing the potential use of drones in their own field of business. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) have some regulations for certain jobs. And they are currently deciding on what the regulations on commercial drones will be. Leaving a lot of businesses to only speculate over the possible outcomes.

Basso, B., Dobrowolski, J., ; McKay, C. (2017). From the Dust Bowl to Drones to Big Data: The Next
Revolution in Agriculture. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, (Issue 3), 158. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true;db=edshol;AN=edshol.hein.journals.geojaf18.56;site=eds-live
Baker, A., ; Rwanda. (2018). These Drones Are Saving Lives. Time, 191(22), 36. Retrieved From http://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true;db=mih;AN=129876952;site=eds-liveO’Brien, G. (2018). Taking Flight: Drone Photography Venture Is a Developing Story. BusinessWest, 35(8), 28. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bwh&AN=131227482&site=eds-live

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