Unit protection, equality and accident / incident

Unit 1: Understanding employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings

Many aspects of employment are covered by law. Some of the aspects covered will include areas such as contracts of employment and working hours, dismissing staff and redundancies, health and safety at work, payroll, pensions for staff, recruitment and hiring, statutory leave and time off and trade unions and workers rights.
I believe the main features of employment legislation which are covered by law would be the prevention of discrimination, holiday entitlement, working hours and minimum wage, employment contracts and conditions, dismissals and grievances, redundancies, health and safety, training, data protection, equality and accident / incident reporting.
Legislation relating to employment exists to stop exploitation and discrimination of workers by their employers and to protect their rights. When employers and employees comply with this legislation it makes the workplace fair for each person. Legislation exists to protect both employers and employees. Having this legislation will make sure that things such as hiring, and dismissal processes are fair and also that employees will be working fair working hours each week and also being paid fairly and in line with minimum wage.
There are many sources of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights. The laws / legislation and guidance are all listed and detailed online on the www.gov.uk website and can provide a lot of useful information. When working for any company you can refer to company hand books, contracts of employment, human resources, team leaders / managers, job descriptions and any company policy guidelines. Outside of work a good contact would be the citizens advice bureaux. Information on legislation and law can be found in acts such as the Equality Act 2010, Health and safety at work act, Health and social care act and human rights act 1998 along with many others.

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The information shown on my payslip includes my employers name, employee name, date, job title, National Insurance number, Tax code, payment method, period the payment covers, taxable pay for the year to date, tax contribution, national insurance contribution, other deductions and total net pay which is the amount paid after the deductions in tax and NI.
In the event of a grievance being raised at work the first step would be to verbally raise the issue with a supervisor or line manager. If this isn’t resolved verbally then the grievance should be put in writing and a meeting called to discuss with the employer. The employee will be given the right to appeal any decision made if they believe it has not been satisfactorily resolved. The employee will then be notified of any final decision of this meeting.
Certain information should be kept up to date with any employer. Such information would include address and contact details, next of kin details in case of emergency, health declarations, DBS checks and any criminal convictions recorded.
Agreed ways of working with my employer are all detailed in the company handbook. Agreed actions will include weekly hours worked, pay structure, agreed holiday entitlement, how to claim expenses, polices on areas such as money handling and lone working, claiming overtime and what to do in the event you are ill and unable to come into work.
My role fits within the delivery of the service provider because as a manager I am required to ensure service is delivered in line with company policies and to follow the company statement of purpose which is “To provide everyone the opportunity to live their own lives in a safe, secure, well managed and maintained home of their choice enabling people to recover, grow and develop.”
I am required to work closely with service users to ensure they have free access to services such as housing and health care whilst also working closely with other professionals and family. I keep my training up to date by completing all mandatory courses and looking at other courses which could improve service delivery and then share this with the team and ensure all are up to date on training and all company policies.
In my role I keywork and support customers directly making sure they are all up to date with all appointments and that they maintain and build on their independence skills. I support customers to access health care, education and work and maintain links with social services by keeping them up to date on any important info they require. Along with supporting customers I also support my team by conducting supervisions, joint working and making sure they are kept up to date with any important info.
My organisation is a registered care provider under West Sussex County Council and we follow the framework agreements for supported living for adults with learning disabilities. This is a framework of terms and conditions which apply to all contracts of services awarded and funded by the council. My organisation will be visited by commissioners annually who will inspect the organisation and the running to make sure we are complying with this framework and that we are delivering a good service. Services that are registered to provide personal care will also be inspected by CQC to make sure standards of quality are being met. The government also influence this sector as they set the laws and policies that must be followed nationally.
In this role you can work from being a Support Worker to Senior Support worker and then deputy team leader or team leader. Roles and titles can be acquired through training and qualifications / experience. My organisation will support colleagues onto NVQ 3 to NVQ 5 which will increase opportunities available. The experience and qualifications gained through support work can also open other pathways such as social work or other specialised areas in this sector.
You can gain information related to your chosen career pathway by speaking to your line manager regarding any progression opportunities. The West Sussex County Council websites also has a list of job opportunities in this sector.
I started my role in this organisation as deputy team leader and then moved up to team leader after 6 months. I am required to complete my NVQ 5 diploma in leadership to be in this role.

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