U git alC omm ons@U niversit y

niv ersit y of N eb ra sk a – L incoln Di
git alC omm ons@U niversit y of N eb ra sk a – L incoln L
ibr ary P hilos ophy a nd P ra ct ice ( e-jour nal ) L
ibr arie s a t U niversit y of N ebr ask a-L inc oln 3-29-2017
n te rn ation al R esearch – J ournal of Li brary a nd I
nfor mation S cie nce: A B ibliometr ic Anal ysi s A
kh and an and S huk la M
izo ra m U niv er sit y, Ai zawl, I nd ia , ak
hand an and shuk la@gm ail.c om N
G The rmi M oyon M
izo ra m U niv er sit y, Ai zawl , n
gthe rmi@gm ail.c om F
ollo w thi s and a ddition al w orks at: h
tt p://d ig it alc ommon s.unl .e du/l ibp hilpr ac P
art of the L
ibr ary a nd I nfor mation S cie nc e C ommon s S
h uk la , A kh and an and a nd M oyon, NG The rmi , "In te rn ation al R ese arch – J ournal of L ibr ary a nd I nfor mation S cie nc e: A B ib liome tric A
nalysi s" (2017). L
ibr ary Ph ilo so ph y a nd P ra ctice ( e-jou rn al) . 1530.
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International Research – Journal of Library and Information Science: A
Bibliometric Analysis

NG Thermi Moyon
M. Phil. Scholar
Deptt. of Library & Information Science
Mizoram University, Aizawl
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Akhandanand Shukla
Assistant Professor
Deptt. of Library & Information Science
Mizoram University, Aizawl
Email: [email protected]

Paper studies bibliometric analysis of Indian open access LIS journal for five years from
2011 to 2015. Total 218 published articles were examined and analyzed for distribution
of articles, authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, and geographical distribution of
articles has been done. Inferences has been drawn from the analysis that journal
prevalent two authorship patterns with 0.66 degree of collaboration, India as top most
contributor of the articles for the journal and amongst foreign countries Nigeria is the
highest contributor. Tamil Nadu is the highest contributor amongst Indian states and
union territories. Journal Articles were found most prevalent source of information for
writing research papers and used as citation. Calculated half-life of the journal citations
found to be 9.54 years.

Keywords: Bibliometrics, DOAJ, Degree of Collaboration, IRJLIS, Open Access

1. Introduction
International Research: Journals of Library and Information Science (IRJLIS) is a peer
reviewed online journal in LIS discipline published from India, registered under


Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). It is a freely accessible scholarly journal
committed to disseminate the intellectual efforts of academic community in the field of
LIS. It is publishing quarterly with original research paper, surveys reports and reviews.
Open access journals are scholarly journals that are freely available and accessible over
public Internet. Open access journals users can read, download, copy, distribute and print
without financial or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to
the Internet itself. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a peer reviewed
directory of scholarly journals covering all areas of disciplines. Its aims are to be the one-
stop shop for users of open access journals.

2. Literature Review
Awasthi & Jaiswal (2015) conducted a bibliometric survey on Library and Information
Science (LIS) journals available under the umbrella of DOAJ. They found considerable
increase in the archiving of LIS journals over the years. A maximum number of print
journals and less number of online journals were archived in DOAJ. Further found that
double blind peer-reviewed, blind peer-reviewed and peer-reviewed journals were openly
accessible to the users. Wankhede et al. (2015) also conducted a bibliometric analysis of
the Urban Library Journal on DOAJ and revealed that categories of article distributions
were remarkable in this research journal. Majority of the articles were contributed by
single authors and most of the authors were librarians, faculty members or researchers
affiliated with academic or research institutions. Hajam (2014) examined Indian Journal
of Clinical Bio-Chemistry from the year 2004-2013 and revealed that total number of
contributions during the period of their study was 776 and it had 32 issues from volume


number 19 to 28. Especially volume no. 23 had maximum number of contributions.
Further he found that there were 19496 citations appended to 776 papers. Khillare &
Khaparde (2014) investigated 48 open access online journals on Microbiology available
under DOAJ and analyzed based on country, language and subject heading accessibility
of archives. India and Turkey were in 1st rank in this regard. English language was found
common communication medium by majority of the journals. Mondal (2014) conducted
bibliometric analysis of Webology journal published from Iran from the year 2004 to
2012 and found 2665 journals citations from 102 papers published during the study
period. Further study revealed that single authorship pattern was prevalent and
contributed the highest numbers of articles followed by two authorship pattern. India was
the highest contributor to the journal among all of the countries.

3. Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is confined to the bibliometric analysis of Indian open access LIS
journal “International Research: Journals of Library and Information Science” for 5 years
from 2011 to 2015. During the study period journal has published 5 volumes which
contains 218 numbers of articles/research papers.

4. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are:
• To examine the year-wise distribution of articles.
• To find the authorship pattern of the journal.
• To assess the degree of collaboration among authors.
• To find out geographical distribution of articles.


• To analyze the forms of documents cited in the journal articles.
• To determine the obsolescence of literature in the field.

5. Research Methodology
The journal has been retrieved from DOAJ website (http://www.doaj.org/). The study
belongs to bibliometric analysis of journal chosen for study. The research papers
published during 2011-2015 were downloaded and tabulated in MS-Excel for analysis of
218 numbers of articles from 5 volumes of the journal. Data has been recorded in terms
of year of publication, authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, and geographical
distribution of articles.

6. Data Analysis and Interpretation

A. Year wise Distribution of Articles

Table 1: Distribution of Articles – Year wise
Year Vol. No. No. of Issues No. of
2011 1 2 16 7.33
2012 2 2 27 12.38
2013 3 4 60 27.52
2014 4 4 60 27.52
2015 5 4 55 25.22
Total 16 218 100

The table 1 display the total number of articles published in 16 issues of 5 volumes from
the year 2011-2015 published in the journal IRJLIS. On the observation of table 1, it has
been found that major contributions of research papers to the journal published in volume
3 (27.52% research papers) and volume 4 (27.52% research papers). Volume 1 has the
lowest publication percentage till date i.e. 7.33% of total articles published in the journal.


B. Issue wise Distribution of Articles

Table 2: Distribution of Articles – Issue wise
Volume Number Total %
1 2 3 4 5
March – – 15 15 12 42 19.26
June 6 12 15 15 13 61 27.98
September – – 15 15 15 45 20.64
December 10 15 15 15 15 70 32.11
Total 16 27 60 60 55 218 100

Table 2 indicates issue wise publications of articles in five volumes. On the observation,
it has been found that during March issue there was less number of publications to the
journal i.e. 19.26% of total articles published in the journal. The September issue of the
journal was also had less number of publications i.e. 20.64% only. December issue of the
journal has the highest number of published articles i.e. 32.11% followed by June issue
with 27.98% publications.

C. Authorship Pattern

Table 3: Authorship Pattern of the Journal
Year Volume No. of Authors Total
Author (%) One Two Three Four
2011 1 7 5 2 2 16 31 (7.41)
2012 2 6 11 8 2 27 60 (14.35)
2013 3 22 24 13 1 60 113 (27.03)
2014 4 24 25 9 2 60 109 (26.07)
2015 5 13 35 6 1 55 105 (25.11)
Total 72 100 38 8 218 418 (100)
Percentage 33.02 45.87 17.43 3.66 100

The table 3 shows authorship pattern of research contributions published in the journal
during 2011-2015. On the observation of table 3, it has been found that 33.02% articles
published in the name of one (single) author of the total publications in journal. There


were 45.87% articles published in the name of two authors of the total publications while
17.43% articles published in the name of three authors of total publications to the journal.
There were only 3.66% articles published in the name of four authors. From the analysis,
it has been inference that two authorship pattern is most prevalent in the journal followed
by single authorship and three authorship respectively. Further, table 3 also reveals the
total number of authors i.e. 418 contributed 218 research papers to the journal. Out of
total number of authors, 27.03% belongs to volume 3 of the journal followed by volume
4 (26.07%), volume 5 (25.11%), volume 2 (14.35%), and volume 1 (7.41%).

D. Degree of Collaboration

Table 4: Degree of Collaboration among Authors
Year Volume
Degree of
2011 1 7 9 16 0.56
2012 2 6 21 27 0.77
2013 3 22 38 60 0.63
2014 4 24 36 60 0.6
2015 5 13 42 55 0.76
Total 72 146 218 0.66

The degree of collaboration (C) of the contributors has been derived using the
Subramanyam formula:
Degree of Collaboration (C) = Nm

C = Degree of Collaboration
Nm = Number of multiple authors
Ns = Number of single authors
C= 146

C = 0.66


The degree of collaboration has been calculated for the year 2011-2015. Single author
contribution is 72 and multiple authors’ contribution is 146. Volume wise Degree of
Collaboration of the journal falls in the range of 0.56 to 0.77. The Degree of
Collaboration of the journal is 0.66. The journal has good presence of collaborative
research among authors. More the degree of collaboration for the journal tends towards
more collaborative research published in the journal and vice-versa.

E. Geographical Distribution of Articles

Table 5: Geographical Distribution of Articles


International National +
Total No.
of Articles
2011 12 2 2 16
2012 15 11 1 27
2013 37 23 – 60
2014 39 21 – 60
2015 49 6 – 55
Total 152 63 3 218
% 69.72 28.89 1.37 100

The table 5 displays geographical distribution of articles in the journal. The articles had
been divided into three categories: National, International, and National +
International. On the observation, it has been found that 69.72% articles were belong to
national contribution (152) and 28.89% were belong to international contribution (63).
National contribution is more than international contribution to the journal. There were
very few contributions (1.37%) belong to national and international collaboration. On the
analysis, it has been found that since the journal is of Indian origin, highest number of
articles submitted and published by India in the journal. International contribution of


articles to the journal is less than national because of geographic distance as well as less
popularity of the journal due to recent in existence.

F. Country-wise distribution of Authors

Table 6: Country wise Distribution of Authors
Rank Country No. of Authors Percentage
1 India 301 72
2 Nigeria 88 21.05
3 Ghana 6 1.43
4 Oman 6 1.43
5 Saudi Arabia 4 0.95
6 USA 2 0.47
7 Iran 2 0.47
8 Bangladesh 2 0.47
9 Tanzania 2 0.47
10 Swaziland 1 0.23
11 Dubai 1 0.23
12 Ethiopia 1 0.23
13 Zambia 1 0.23
14 Luxembourg 1 0.23
Total 418 100

Table 6 shows country wise distribution of authors. India has the highest number of
contributors (72%) to the journal followed by Nigeria (21%), Ghana (1.43%), Oman
(1.43%), and Saudi Arabia (0.95%). The journal has 28% authors from other countries
and rests were from India which displays its international acceptance and presence
amongst LIS professionals. Among foreign countries authors, 75.21% authors belong to
Nigeria only that indicates Nigerian authors have more interest in publishing their
research papers with IRJLIS.


G. State-wise Distribution of Indian Authors

Table 7: State wise Distribution of Indian Authors
Rank Name of State No. of
1 Tamil Nadu 56 18.6
2 Uttar Pradesh 35 11.62
3 Maharashtra 33 10.96
4 Karnataka 31 10.29
5 West Bengal 23 7.64
6 Odisha 19 6.31
7 Jammu ; Kashmir 15 4.98
8 Madhya Pradesh 12 3.98
9 Rajasthan 12 3.98
10 New Delhi 10 3.32
11 Andhra Pradesh 9 2.99
12 Punjab 9 2.99
13 Kerala 8 2.65
14 Gujarat 8 2.65
15 Haryana 7 2.32
16 Puducherry 4 1.32
17 Assam 3 0.99
18 Chandigarh 2 0.66
19 Uttarakhand 2 0.66
20 Tripura 2 0.66
21 Himachal Pradesh 1 0.33
Total 301 100

Table 7 shows state wise distribution of Indian authors. Tamil Nadu (18.6%) has the
highest number of contributors to the journal followed by Uttar Pradesh (11.62%),
Maharashtra (10.96%), Karnataka (10.29%), West Bengal (7.64%), Odisha (6.31%),
Jammu and Kashmir (4.98%) etc. Indian contributors to the journal belong to 21 states
and union territories of India which shows journal’s wide acceptance amongst Indian LIS


H. Forms of Documents Cited
Table 8: Forms of Documents Cited in the Articles
SN. Forms of Document No. of Citations %
1 Journal articles 1949 60.12
2 Books and reference sources 454 14
3 Web based resources 312 9.62
4 Conference/ Seminar Proceedings 268 8.27
5 Miscellaneous Items 119 3.67
6 Research/ Project Reports 87 2.68
7 Theses/ Dissertations 53 1.63
Total 3242 100

The study has been conducted to know the prevalent forms of citations appeared in
research articles published in the journal. From the analysis of table 8, it has been found
that “journal articles” were most prevalent in terms of citations/references in research
articles. There were total 3242 citations received to 218 research articles published in the
journal during study period, and more than 60% citations belong to journal articles,
followed by books and reference sources (14%), Web based resources (9.62%), articles
published in conference and seminar proceedings (8.27%), research and project reports
(2.68%), and Theses/Dissertations (1.63%). By the analysis of the table 8, it has been
inference that “journal articles” are the first choice as a citation/reference for writing a
research paper by authors because of having research oriented recent information &
knowledge than any other source of information. Books and reference sources have been
second choice of authors for citation due to having conceptual and historical information
& knowledge about the topic of research. Web based sources are recent in origin (about
21 years old) but gained the trust of authors as a source of information & knowledge and
used for citation/reference in their research papers. Seminar/conference proceedings have


been used as the source of information and knowledge for research purposes but less than
Web based resources due to availability problem in comparison to Web based resources.
Though seminar/conference proceedings are older than Web based resources but authors,
nowadays, wants information sources in their fingertips that are not fulfilled by
seminar/conference proceedings. Research reports and theses/dissertations have been less
used by researchers to write the research papers in the field, and it might be due to less/
restricted availability of such information sources in public domain.

I. Chronological Distribution of Citations

Table 9: Chronological Distribution of Citations
Years Journal
(2.2%) – 1
(0.37%) – 1
(1.15%) – 13
(1.1%) – – 5
(1.15%) – 14
(3.3%) – – – 2
(2.3%) – 31
(6.83%) – 6
(4.2%) – 2
(11.9%) – 3
Total 1949 454 312 268 119 87 53 3242

The chronological distribution of citations to the journal articles has been given in Table
9. The citations from the journal articles have been divided into 8 time frames having


periodicity of 10 years each. The citations before 1950 were enclosed within the cluster
upto 1950 and citations after 2010 to 2015 enclosed in 2011-2015 groups. From the table
9, it has been observed that IRJLIS research papers prefer most of the citations of 2001-
2010 (53.36%), 2011-2015 (21.34%), and 1991-2000 (16.44%) time periods. It indicates
that 91.14% literature cited in the research papers of the IRJLIS are within the period of
1991-2015 i.e. 25 years duration. Further categorically, citations belongs to journal
articles covered from 2001-2010 (54.9%), 2011-2015 (21.45%), and 1991-2000
(16.73%). Within the journal articles category, 93.08% citations are within the period of
1991-2015. Citations in the form of books and reference sources also have 40.83%
citations within 2001-2010, 27.97% within 1991-2000, and 11.9% within 1981-1990 time
periods. The major citations (80.4%) are within 1981-2010 time periods in case of books
and reference sources. The Web documents as form of citations appeared during 1991-
2000 time period first time in the journal articles and all the citations are within 1991-
2015 time periods. In case of conference/seminar proceedings, 73.13% citations are
within 2001-2010 followed by 11.94% within 1991-2000, and 11.19% within 2011-2015.
In this case, 96.26% citations are within 1991-2015 time periods. In the cases of
miscellaneous items (86.56%), research/project reports (90.81%) and theses/dissertations
(94.34%), major citations are within 1991-2015 time periods. From the analysis, it has
been evident that literatures older than 25 years (published before 1991) have not been
used more by researchers and they have tendency to use latest literature published in any
form. Further journal articles for writing research papers (for citing purposes) are


prevalent amongst authors/researchers followed by books and reference sources, Web
based resources, and Conference/seminar proceedings.

J. Obsolescence of LIS Literature

Table 10: Frequency of Citations and their Obsolescence
Years Journal
/ project
1-10 1061
1714 1714
11-20 640
1061 2775
21-30 169
(18.06%) – 10
279 3054
31-40 57
(9.25%) – 3
(1.15%) – 110 3164
41-50 10
(3.96%) – 4
(0.84%) – 2
35 3199
51-60 11
(2.2%) – – 4
(3.45%) – 28 3227
61-70 – 5
(1.1%) – 1
(1.15%) – 8 3235
71-80 1
(0.66%) – – – – – 4 3239
80+ – 3
(0.66%) – – – – – 3 3242
Total 1949 454 312 268 119 87 53 3242

The table 10 display frequency of citations appeared in the articles published in the
journal IRJLIS and obsolescence of literature cited in those articles. The total 3242
citations were classified into 9 time zones, each having the time duration of 10 years.
These 3242 citations were also categorized according to their form of document.
“Obsolescence is the study to calculate age of documents cited in some research in
particular field of research. As fast as literature is growing in the field, rate of
obsolescence of literature is also growing. Rate of obsolescence has direct relation with
the growth rate of literature in the field.” Rate of obsolescence varies disciple wise. In


the field of science, obsolescence rate has been found higher in many researches than
social sciences and humanities. From the table 10, categorically different rates of
obsolescence observed for different forms of documents. For example, for journal articles
rate of obsolescence is 10 years, books and reference sources upto 20 years, Web based
sources, Conference/seminar proceedings, Research/project reports and
theses/dissertations are 10 years etc. The calculated rate of obsolescence or half-life of
citations to the journal is 9.539 years (see Appendix).

7. Findings
The findings of the study are:
a) The journal has published five volumes having 16 issues covering 218 research
b) It has been found that major contributions of research papers to the journal
published in volume 3, volume 4 and volume 5. (Table 1)
c) March issue of the journal has less number of published articles (19.26%)
whereas December issue has the highest number of published articles (32.11%)
followed by June issue (27.98%). (Table 2)
d) It has been found that two authorship pattern is most prevalent in the journal
followed by single authorship. (Table 3)
e) The degree of collaboration has been calculated for the year 2011-2015. Volume
wise Degree of Collaboration of the journal falls in the range of 0.56 to 0.77. The
Degree of Collaboration of the journal is 0.66. (Table 4)


f) For the geographical distribution of articles and collaboration among authors, it
has been found that 69.72% article belongs to national contribution and 28.89%
belongs to international contribution. (Table 5)
g) India has the highest number of contributors (72%) to the journal followed by
Nigeria (21%), Ghana (1.43%), Oman (1.43%), and Saudi Arabia (0.95%). The
journal has 28% authors from other countries and rests were from India. Amongst
foreign countries authors, 75.21% authors belong to Nigeria. (Table 6)
h) Within India, Tamil Nadu (18.6%) has the highest number of contributors to the
journal followed by Uttar Pradesh (11.62%), Maharashtra (10.96%), and
Karnataka (10.29%) etc. Indian contributors to the journal belong to 21 states and
union territories of India. (Table 7)
i) It has been found that “Journal Articles” were most prevalent form of documents
in terms of citations/references in research articles followed by Books and
Reference sources, and Web based resources. (Table 8)
j) IRJLIS research papers prefer latest citations to the articles and not more than 25
years old i.e. 1991-2015. About 91.14% literature cited in the research papers of
the IRJLIS are within the period of 1991-2015 i.e. 25 years duration. (Table 9)
k) The calculated rate of obsolescence or half-life of citations to the journal
“IRJLIS” is 9.539 years. (Table 10)
8. Conclusions
The DOAJ is an online directory that indexes the journals belong to various disciplines
and provides access to high quality, open access, peer reviewed journals. The journal


“IRJLIS” has published five volumes having 16 issues covering 218 research
papers/articles and majority of the articles published in volumes 3, 4 and 5 of the journal.
December and June issues of the journal have more number of articles than other two
issues which indicates non-uniform distribution of articles issue wise, though this is not
the fault of Journal or Editors of the journal. Two authorship patterns are most prevalent
in the journal followed by single authorship which gives the indication that collaborative
research is increasing in the field and it can be tested by the degree of collaboration of the
journal (0.66) also. More the Degree of Collaboration tends to more collaborative
research amongst authors/researchers. National contribution of articles to the journal is
higher (69.72%) than international contribution (28.89%). It gives an impression that
journal has much popularity within the country than world and Indian authors/researchers
are the major contributor of research papers to the journal. Moreover, journal has limited
overseas publicity or availability or reaches upto 13 foreign countries, which is a good
sign for the journal to prove its international visibility and acceptance within the short
period of time (started since 2011). Nigeria is the highest contributor of research papers
to the journal amongst foreign countries. More than 75% authors belong to Nigeria only
amongst foreign authors/researchers which are not a good sign for the journal in the sense
that IRJLIS should not become soft publication house for Nigerians to publish their
research than other countries authors, though it is a good sign also in the sense that
amongst foreign authors of the journals, Nigerian researchers found best place to publish
their research with Indian journal and somehow it will increase the world level
acceptance of the journal in terms of quality and quantity. Further, within India, 21 Indian


States and Union Territories were covered in the articles of the journal; and researchers
from Tamil Nadu were the highest contributor of articles to the journal followed by Uttar
Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka etc. In a sense of wide publicity within India,
journal has proved it’s presence amongst Indian LIS professionals within short period of
time. In terms of forms of documents cited in the journal, “Journal Articles” found to be
first preference to use for writing the research papers and citation due to having research
oriented recent and validated information than any other forms of documents. “Web”
based resources are the very recent forms of documents originated within short span of
time but shown significant growth in the use as information source and for citation than
conference/seminar proceedings. Further, these forms of documents cited in the articles
of the journal by authors were not very old. This seems that authors/researchers of the
journal articles were habitual to use recent information sources which were not older than
25 years (published before 1991) from the today. Less the half-life will confirm faster
growth of literature in the field; and for the journal “IRJLIS” half-life (rate of
obsolescence) found to be less than 10 years (i.e. 9.539 years) which indicates faster
growth of literature in the field.

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Appendix: Calculation of Rate of Obsolescence (Half-life)

Obsolescence Data for IRJLIS
Age No. of
Citations % Cumulative
0 49 49 1.511 1.511
1 71 120 2.190 3.701
2 157 277 4.842 8.544


3 181 458 5.582 14.127
4 234 692 7.217 21.344
5 241 933 7.433 28.778
6 215 1148 6.631 35.410
7 205 1353 6.323 41.733
8 159 1512 4.904 46.637
9 202 1714 6.230 52.868
10 164 1878 5.058 57.927
11 146 2024 4.503 62.431
12 162 2186 4.996 67.427
13 142 2328 4.380 71.807
14 94 2422 2.899 74.706
15 98 2520 3.022 77.729
16 85 2605 2.621 80.352
17 69 2674 2.128 82.479
18 61 2735 1.881 84.361
19 40 2775 1.233 85.595
20 46 2821 1.418 87.014
21 32 2853 0.987 88.001
22 41 2894 1.264 89.265
23 27 2921 0.832 90.098
24 34 2955 1.048 91.147
25 22 2977 0.678 91.826
26 29 3006 0.894 92.720
27 11 3017 0.339 93.059
28 15 3032 0.462 93.522
29 22 3054 0.678 94.201
30 12 3066 0.370 94.571
31 9 3075 0.277 94.848
32 20 3095 0.616 95.465
33 9 3104 0.277 95.743
34 17 3121 0.524 96.267
35 8 3129 0.246 96.514
36 9 3138 0.277 96.792
37 7 3145 0.215 97.008
38 11 3156 0.339 97.347
39 8 3164 0.246 97.594
40 2 3166 0.061 97.655
41 4 3170 0.123 97.779


42 1 3171 0.030 97.809
43 11 3182 0.339 98.149
44 2 3184 0.061 98.211
45 7 3191 0.215 98.426
46 4 3195 0.123 98.550
47 2 3197 0.061 98.611
48 2 3199 0.061 98.673
49 0 3199 0 98.673
50 5 3204 0.154 98.827
51 7 3211 0.215 99.043
52 0 3211 0 99.043
53 2 3213 0.061 99.105
54 2 3215 0.061 99.167
55 4 3219 0.123 99.291
56 1 3220 0.030 99.321
57 1 3221 0.030 99.352
58 0 3221 0 99.352
59 6 3227 0.185 99.537
60 0 3227 0 99.537
61 1 3228 0.030 99.568
62 1 3229 0.030 99.599
63 0 3229 0 99.599
64 0 3229 0 99.599
65 2 3231 0.061 99.661
66 2 3233 0.061 99.722
67 2 3235 0.061 99.784
68 0 3235 0 99.784
69 0 3235 0 99.784
70 3 3238 0.092 99.876
71 0 3238 0 99.876
72 0 3238 0 99.876
73 0 3238 0 99.876
74 0 3238 0 99.876
75 1 3239 0.030 99.907
76 0 3239 0 99.907
77 0 3239 0 99.907
78 0 3239 0 99.907
79 0 3239 0 99.907
80 1 3240 0.030 99.938


81 0 3240 0 99.938
82 0 3240 0 99.938
83 0 3240 0 99.938
84 0 3240 0 99.938
85 1 3241 0.030 99.969
86 0 3241 0 99.969
87 0 3241 0 99.969
88 0 3241 0 99.969
89 0 3241 0 99.969
90 0 3241 0 99.969
91 0 3241 0 99.969
92 0 3241 0 99.969
93 0 3241 0 99.969
94 0 3241 0 99.969
95 0 3241 0 99.969
96 0 3241 0 99.969
97 0 3241 0 99.969
98 0 3241 0 99.969
99 0 3241 0 99.969
100 0 3241 0 99.969
101 0 3241 0 99.969
102 0 3241 0 99.969
103 0 3241 0 99.969
104 0 3241 0 99.969
105 0 3241 0 99.969
106 0 3241 0 99.969
107 0 3241 0 99.969
108 0 3241 0 99.969
109 0 3241 0 99.969
110 0 3241 0 99.969
111 0 3241 0 99.969
112 0 3241 0 99.969
113 0 3241 0 99.969
114 0 3241 0 99.969
115 0 3241 0 99.969
116 0 3241 0 99.969
117 0 3241 0 99.969
118 0 3241 0 99.969
119 0 3241 0 99.969


120 0 3241 0 99.969
121 0 3241 0 99.969
122 0 3241 0 99.969
123 0 3241 0 99.969
124 0 3241 0 99.969
125 0 3241 0 99.969
126 0 3241 0 99.969
127 1 3242 0.030 100

Rate of Obsolescence = L+ (N/2-C)*h/f, where
N = 3242
N/2 = 1621
L = 9
C = 1512
h = 1
f = 202

then, Obsolescence (Half-life) of the journal is L+ (N/2-C)*h/f = 9.5396 years

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