Tourism One of the biggest barrier in tourism

Tourism is very vast and rapidly fast growing sector in the global which has significanton environment , culture , social and economic which affects positively andnegatively.

Natural resources helps generate and promote more income ability to providesettings which is environmentally safe for the domestic & overseas community (Cater1993).Tourism plays an significant tool for development in tourism and economic tool withaccuracy it may be the beneficial for the department. But one wrong turn could relativelydestroy the natural resources or misuse it. One of the biggest barrier in tourism is watershortage which have affected the communities and the industry.The natural resources have been damaged due to pollution , loss of natural landscape andagricultural lands to the tourism development , loss of open space, destruction of floraand fauna including plants, animals etc. degradation of historic sites and monuments ,disruption of wildlife, introduction of exotic species(Hall, 2001).

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This research provides a critique of tourism literature and focuses on impacts ofenvironmental tourism management. Expatriates and the communities generates revenuebut tourists expenditures such as lodging , accommodation , transportation, food, guidesand souvenirs (Laarman and Sedjo 1992).When economic stability is constrained and the demand of the visitors are higher thanthe level is negative tourism impact occur. Interactions between domestic and touristsimprovise creative expression that provide new opportunities positively or individuallywith new negative factors (Przeclawski 1986). The numbers of people are tremendouslyincreasing due to having enough financial means which often seen as an behaviorexpression.Tourism helps the community to gain knowledge , experience and providing a quality oflife which exceeds the needs and the wants of the tourists and the communities.

Thatincludes one or many facilities i.e backpacking, assessing wildlife, camping and naturestudy (English and others 1993).5THE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS IN TOURISM MANAGEMENTLoss of such valuable assets that has an impact of the lands which leads to such areassoil erosion, increase pollution, discharges into sea or ocean and natural habitat loss andput enormous pressure on the areas (Zaiton & Hassan, 2012). Vulnerability in suchcritical factors which increase the pressure and endangered species.

The researchprovides the basic information about nature-based , man-made , ecotourism and suchissues relatively suggests the potential areas and sustain the tourism value (Al-Badi etal., 2017).As discussing the environmental effects on tourism management should be able to helpout the community to create a sustainable and eco friendly tourism industry. Tourismhave contributed a major part in the industry to enhance the activity in the market byraising the economic value throughout. To some extent, community thinks that havingsuch activity on going is a bit dominant in the industry.

Yet it’s not understood that theinterest of fast growing industry is the concern for the community (UNEP, 1995, 1997,1998; WTO, 1995).Tourism management must maintain an array of impacts which are negatively andconsistently affecting the community that aren’t applicable in such conditions.Management must have a vision, a plan and sensitivity to overcome the temptation ofhaving such problematic issues in the industry (Seidl 1994). Opportunities and resourcesshould be utilized as required by working against the effects which are beneficial for thegeographical area and impacts that are fluctuating (Cater 1993).By neglecting such impacts on the tourism might be beneficiary for the touristssatisfaction, culture as well the community (English and others 1993). Elements are themain key to maintain tourism sectors which supposedly are invested in greenenvironment.

Having a plan might be useful to protect such assets that are valuable forthe community and for the economic growth (Laarman and Sedjo 1992).

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