This youtube video was mainly focused on the introduction to the cell

This youtube video was mainly focused on the introduction to the cell. What I learned from this video is that us humans are built of billions of animal cells. It mentioned that the smallest living unit in all organisms is the cell and everything that is living is made up of cells. Humans are made up of many cells meaning that that we’re multicellular. I can’t forget to mention that all cells come from other pre-existing cells. Cells have many functions, they can carry DNA, they can divide and they have certain functions that their organelles can take care of. We can seperate cells into two major groups, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotes consist archaea and bacteria. Eukaryotes consist of fungi, animals, protists and plants. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes share some similarities and differences. They both have DNA, but prokaryotes do not have a nucleus and eukaryotes do, they both have ribosomes which make protein, they both have cytoplasm, they both have cell membranes but plants have an additional cell wall for extra protection, they both have organelle and lastly eukaryotes are membrane bound and prokaryotes are not. Then it went into talking about Endoplasmic Reticulum also known as ER. There are two types of ER, rough ER and smooth ER. The difference between the two is that rough ER contains ribosomes which make it “rough” and smooth ER does not.

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