This delivery of health and social care

This essay is about the effect of legislations, policies and national strategies on the delivery of health and social care services. There will be an overview of different legislations and a look at how they impact health and social care services will follow.
Children’s Act (1989,2004,2010)
Introduced first in 1989 The Children’s Act places a duty on local authorities to promote and safeguard and the welfare of children. The 1989 Act defined a child as someone under the age of 18, it put an accent on child welfare and defined parental responsibility. The multi-discipline concept was introduced during the application of this legislation. But after the death of Victoria Climbie and Lord Lamings report about the lack communication between agencies and of safeguarding measures and efficiencies in detecting and responding to cases of child abuse the Children’s Act was amended to the 2004 version. Bringing about the “every child matter” green paper was children wellbeing is put forward by promoting the 5 outcomes. Also, the multi-agency system to reinforce collaboration between different services to promote safeguarding and child protection. (long, 2014)
Children Act (2004) comes to Strengthens the 1989 Act, to encourages partnerships between agencies and creates more accountability, introduces Children’s Commissioner, Local Safeguarding Children Boards and provides legal basis for Every Child Matters (Anon., 2018)
The latest version of the legislation emphasises on physical punishment by limiting the use of reasonable punishments and identify roles and responsibilities of all including: the children commissioner, local authorities, elected director, children services, the police, health services providers, youth justice system, and the families (Child protection in england, 2018) This put child welfare as a duty and responsibility to all.
After every major child protection issue which leads to death of children, it leads to changes. The case review of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells, killed by Ian Huntley caretaker in the village. This tragic could have been avoided if he was checked up during recruitment process. Sir Michael Birchard report resulted to today’s DBS police report process during recruitment. (Child protection, 2005)
This has had a massive impact on health and social care setting in the fact that it sometime prolongs the recruitment process and can be costly. During this period the service provider might still be under staffed waiting. However, this process has minimised the risks of employing criminals and barred individuals to work with vulnerable people. The downside of this process is that it does not guarantee that the person is 100% clean as they can get cleared today and kill tomorrow. This could be effective if every staff is rechecked as often as possible.
After the death of baby Peter in 2008 the Children’ Act was amended in 2010. The breakdown in communication again was an issue. So, an emphasis was on communication between different agencies: Health care professionals, teachers and other school staff, nursery staff etc, have the responsibility to pass on to the local authority or the police any suspicion or concern about child abuse, and clear guidance and support for new social worker, they had provision of funding to recruit more social worker and training review of skills. (Long, 2014)
Be Healthy, stay Safe, Enjoy and Achieve, make a positive contribution, achieve economic wellbeing.
These five outcomes are universal ambitions for every child and young person, whatever their background or circumstances. (Every Child Matters to Museums, 2018)
The two pieces of legislation that have a greatest influence is the Children’s Act, which focuses on Special Educational Needs and Disability and The NHS and Community Health Care Act, which focuses on the care and support.

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