These maps represent the many crops and animals shared across the Columbian exchange

These maps represent the many crops and animals shared across the Columbian exchange. In the map Arrows symbolize the Columbian exchange represent the trade between the native Americas and Europe. I can describe the positive and negative effects of the Columbian exchange. What continents are found in the new world and old world? What event started the Columbian exchange? Christopher Columbus started it when he arrived in the Americas in 1492.

The continents were involved in the Columbian Exchange were Africa, North America, South America and Europe. The Columbian Exchange was one of the most important events that happened in the world. It was the exchange of goods, ideas, and diseases from Europe, Africa, and Asia, and the ideas from the Americas. The disease from the old world is killed huge percentage of the Native American population while they were exchanging with the Americas. Each one of these continents traded with each other with the products and items. These four continents needed some of these products for survivals. Without the Columbian Exchange a lot of the continents wouldn’t have the variety of foods. For example, there would be no chocolate in Switzerland, and no cattle in Texas. In Europe the goods that they exchange with the Americas are still being used today, and they are grains, to make their bread.

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From the new world, crops like maize, potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco sent from the new world to the old world. Syphilis disease transmitted across the Atlantic Ocean. The Europe, measles and smallpox were transmitted from Europe to the new world. Food items transported from Europe were wheat and rice. Horses and cows transported to the new world. The Africa, slaves were a large scale export out of Africa to the new world. Africa exported the valuable goods of sugar and rice. Malaria and yellow fever also transmitted to the new world from Africa.

The Exchange of animals is a big factor of the Columbian Exchange. For example: Cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses were brought to the new world. The exchange of animals would be more important than the crops. Imagine how useful Horses were for transportation, labor, and for the control of herds of cattle and sheep. This would be a long- term impact because the animals brought in are still relevant to human today.

What is Columbian Exchange? What is good and bad about the Columbian Exchange? The Columbian Exchange is the exchange of ideas, crops, population, and animal between the new world and the old world. The Columbian Exchange brought many positive impacts into the new and old world, and helped the world improve and connect. The good about has the massive exchange of agricultural goods, slave labor, communicable diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

The bad effects of the Columbian Exchange are more headed and aimed toward humans, not toward nature. The Columbian Exchange caused many people to die. Diseases were sent to the new world from Europe, and the conquering of the new world, people were treated bad by the Europeans. Disease was one big factor in the great dying of the people from the new world. Europeans brought disease with them into the new world, and the natives from the Americas. This would be impact of disease today.

The Columbus landed in Hispaniola; Christopher Columbus brought horses and cattle that had never been seen in the western hemisphere (Pg.30). Europeans brought many new fruits to the New World such as bananas, grapes, and peaches. The first explorers that arrived in the New World to find gold or silver, but they instead brought back many foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, and corn to Europe. Pigs, sheep, and goats are also in the New World. Some diseases that hit the natives hard were smallpox and measles. These diseases had been popular in Europe and Asia. The Europeans not only brought food, but they also brought diseases that wiped out many Native American tribes.

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