The World’s Reliance on Fossil Fuels Essay

Fossil Fuels

The day was Black Friday. Around the world people are purchasing goods and services that they may or may not need. Many of these goods created take crude oil to produce. The world needs to change its habits to sustain time in the creation of new alternatives to fossil fuels. In my research I found that crude oil or petroleum will only last approximately thirty to forty more years. That means that the clock is ticking and we must find a solution to this major question facing our world. How will the world function without crude oil? I believe our driving habits, consumption of goods, technological research and emphasis on conserving crude oil plus finding a substitute must be addressed now by the world.

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Oil was not used as a source of energy until the latter half of the 19th century. Prior to that, wind and water power were used for industrial mills. Oil was used to power steam engines, but it wasn’t until the late 19th century and the invention of the internal combustion engine that its demand soared. (Raphael Van Laer ) After the 1950s, oil became the world’s foremost fuel. The automobile and power plants in the United States created an enormous demand for petroleum fuel. This demand has only increased to the present day. And now it is almost gone! From my researching I found that oil will most likely run out in the next thirty to fifty years. “According to the US Government’s Energy Information Administration, the United States consumes about 400 million gallons (1.51 billion liters) of gasoline every day. That figure equates to about 20 million barrels of oil every -day.”(Pore, Robert). It is also said that global warming may not reach its disastrous levels due to the lack of fossil fuels feeding the fire. C…

…e going to go to the gas station and there’s not going to be any gas. Could you imagine having to ride your bike every day to work or school especially if you live far away? And what about taking a faraway vacation to China or Europe? That may becomes something of the past. Person may soon feel the pinch of the 1970’s and the gas crisis where you could only purchase gas on odd or even days. In all likelihood power and money will dictate how our world changes. Those with a wealth of money will get to travel, while others just get to see pictures of faraway place on the internet. Chevron, Shell and others have funds to help find a solution, but why should they? They are making major profits and as most business models go, money makes the world go round so why change their habits. In closing we need to find a solution soon. It not, world chaos will be soon to follow.

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