The In the first century the great

The word robots comes from a Czech word robot which means forced labor. In the first century the great Engineer heron of Alexandria was honored for creating the initial steam engine which was designed interesting robots and also has the ability to speak. In 1945, a sketch drawn by the artist Leonardo da Vinci, a mechanical knight which could sit up and its arms and legs, was considered to be the initial idea for a humanlike robot. In 1948 Bristol England William Grey Walter , produced the evolution of electronic autonomous robots and in 1954 George Devol make the first merchandising, digital and programmable droid named that robot ‘Unimate’. In 1961 general motors buy the robot unimate which was used to raise the items of warm metal from die casting machines.
Over the years the humanlike machines and robots have become extremely popular in society and become familiar characters through the books, movies and televisions shows. This popularity of robots and machines shows that people are believes that droids will one day walk with us as a helper and even as companions. Nowadays robots play a important role in industries where one robot works for every 10 employees in automobile manufacturing industries.

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