The Because of the rigid dichotomy between

The tables provided are not to detract from the focus of the study but are to substantiate arguments purported, pointing out that more women are employed in more service sector jobs than men while more men are employed than women.
Leo-Rhynie (2007) recognized that under the Caribbean Single Market Economy (CSME) women’s higher education accomplishments do not allow them to become more functional socioeconomically or politically (313). Women have to provide for themselves and their families and ultimately settle for work that exploits their skills and expertise (313).
Objectification of Learners
Because of the rigid dichotomy between males and females in Jamaica, it shapes what happens in the learning environment. Jamaican Educators tend to make students consumer or receptacles of knowledge, which Freire (1970,1993) critiqued due to its non-exchange value. Furthermore, education is corporatized, driven by gender, and has a high cost; thus making it is an important commodity as asserted by Jalee (1977). Girls who later become women remain on the periphery of the society and depending on their class location have to settle for tasks that are demeaning and belittling. Girls in school, like adult females in the workforce, have to work harder than boys in order to assert their independence and self-worth to be recognized. Learning is the only opportunity that grants females a legitimate place in society or affords them potential possibilities for their voices to be heard. Girls are in a continuous struggle because women internalize subordination that is constructed from the societal gender relations which are transmitted throughout. The argument I am purporting is that Jamaican girls and their education are being threatened.
Leo-Rhynie (2007) argued that the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) established at the 1973 Treaty of Chaguaramas did not facilitate labor integration at the multi-lateral levels within the region (p. 303). Instead, it offered a “single market economy” (p. 304). She underscored a statement made by the St. Vincent and Grenadines Prime Minister when the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) was formed in 2006. He stated that he would allow men and women to possess equal power in the workforce and to meet their demands justly (p. 304-305). In inspecting the education sector, she examined the drastic decline in the student population from pre-primer to tertiary in 2006 (p. 308). From this survey, she pinpointed that Jamaican students perform poorly compared to the Caribbean region (p. 308-309). She argues about education being commoditized under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the World Trade Organizations (WTO) (p. 310). She suggests that the demand for expertise and training exceeds the regions magnitude (p. 310). She cited Beckles (2000) who argued that globalization is a structured political agenda established by hegemonic forces with states collaborating with privatized industries to infiltrate specific geographic regions through mobile science, technology, and educational pedagogy as elements used to cease control of foreign lands (p. 310).
Gender Disparities Influenced by Cultural, Socio-Economic and Political Structures
Girls predominate in subjects like English language, English literature, history, and geography. The structure of education in the schools is patriarchally determined, which promotes gender-based learning. Girls and boys are trained and encouraged in specific subject areas.
I observed that some studies published on gender and educaton in Jamaica (Bailey, 2000 and Evans, 1999, 2006) suggested findings to suit the patriarchal structure of the society.
The structures in the society will reveal where it appears that boys have been accomplishing less academically over the past two decades. Boys assumed underachievement is being compared to that of girls while girls’ academic performance is not being carefully scrutinized and their struggles in the society are being ignored. Therefore, they sometimes find difficulty supporting each other. The long-standing unequal social relations in the macro society become accepted and are brought out in boys’ and girls’ learning. In Jamaica, as in other developed societies, the school is a specimen of what happens in the wider society, and that fundamentally becomes a subculture that shapes schools’ reality.
Patriarchy is an inherent feature of capitalism that allows for different thinking and reasoning among black women. Women are trained through capitalism to be the tools of their men, especially through its present phase of neoliberalism1. Patriarchy does not allow the disempowerment of men. Women are socialized to provide support to their men who cause added pressures through their demands for personal pleasures and are the ones who often bear the social responsibility if children come into the equation. This is what patriarchy teaches women to do; to be complicit in their abuse: verbal, physical and psychological. These things include: always doing or engaging in service labor to please men; having a more physical responsibility in the homes than men. Women raise their sons to be dependent on women. These are men who were spoiled by their mothers and grow up expecting their women to fulfill these roles.
Bolles and Yelvington (2010) discuss women’s invisibility publicly in speech, actions, and literature as they credited Safa (1995) as one feminist who brought this global consciousness of women’s struggles in the global south. They cited Mohanty (1997) who argued that race and class status are primary factors that impacted Caribbean women’s socio-economic and political status. (p. x). Black feminist theory allows the amalgamation of national and global issues that compacts women’s lives. The actions of Caribbean women today stem from their colonial history. Bolles and Yelvington (2010) vividly underscore that women are inhibited by colonial structures that replicate the sexual division of labor-endorsed by capitalism (p. xi).
Capitalism is an oppressive system that is structurally biased which creates a dichotomy in the social class (wealthy and poor – working class). In this system, the ruling class exploit the labor of the working class as they dictate the process of production and accumulate all profit. Because they possess sole control of their commodities (goods and services), it allows capitalists to sustain power.

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