The study was carried out around students,

The study was to identify the students’ indiscipline such as truancy, absenteeism, stealing and fighting among the students in Imotong state-Torit. Indiscipline cases in South Sudan Secondary Schools are very widespread, ranging from minor to case like late coming fighting, time management and many others. The outcome of the research would help students to change their behavior and allow teachers teach effectively.

Another advantage is to allow parents to encourage their children to revise their work after school to avoid mal-practices and to allow the government to take position to raise enough funds for education that will promote inspections and supervisions of the Schools. All these efforts would put to an end the problem of Students indiscipline. The study was carried out around students, teachers, head teachers and parents as to know means of eradicating the trend and the government policy-makers in formulating policies that would ensure disciplined and loyal behavior on the part of students. Therefore, the aim was to provide means and ways of reducing indiscipline cases among the students and get appropriate measures to be used to check them so that teaching and learning atmosphere would be conducive to every child to acquire quality education.1.4 Purpose of the studyThe general purpose of this study was to find out the causes of indiscipline among Secondary school students in South Sudan especially Imotong State-Torit.1) To identify the common types of indiscipline cases among students in secondary schools 2) To outline the factors of indiscipline cases among students in secondary schools.

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3) To outline the consequences of indiscipline cases among students in secondary schools4) To examine what the education stakeholders are doing to reduce indiscipline cases in secondary schools.1.5 Problem of studyThe problem of the study is to find out the causes of indiscipline cases in secondary schools on the provision of quality education in Imotong State (south Sudan) so that measure can be put in place. This is due to the ever-increasing rate of indiscipline in these schools and also to examine what the ministry of education is doing to reduce indiscipline cases in schools.

This would give suggestions to the policy makers for possible solutions to bring an end the problem of indiscipline in secondary schools in South Sudan.1.6 Research questionsThe study was guided by the following research questions:1. Which are the common types of indiscipline cases among the students in secondary schools?2. What are the factors causes indiscipline cases among the students in secondary Schools?3.

What are the consequences of indiscipline cases among students in secondary schools?4. What are the measures to reduce indiscipline cases among students in secondary schools? 1.7 Limitation and delimitation of the studyLimitations are issues and actions that arise in the study that are not easy to control by the researcher and delimitations are choices made by the researcher which should be mentioned. The researcher study was limited to secondary schools within Torit Central Municipality in Imotong State. Hence, the emphasis was on students’ behaviors of secondary schools and their number was greater than teachers, head teachers, and parents.

Therefore, due to inadequate funds, the research was conducted by the assistant researcher in the ground and lastly all the respondents collected data would be kept with confidentially.

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