The skills from ages 0-3 which mainly focuses

The sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years show that both children and young people develop at different rate but the order in which they advance varies. The sequence of development is divided into five different aspects which are; physical, social, communication, intellectual and cognitive, emotional and behavioural and moral development. The physical aspects focuses on the gross motor skills from birth, and after gross motor skills it then focuses on fine motor skills from ages 0-3 which mainly focuses on physical development in which they develop very quickly. 4months a baby will begin to roll over and from 6-7 months the child will begin to sit up and play with their hands. At 7-11 months the baby will begin to crawl and make attempts to try and stand and try to walk on their own, at the age of 1-2 a child will begin to walk and begin developing their running and from the age of 3 the child will be able to run, jump and climb maybe even ride a tricycle, by then the child’s fine motor skills would have developed.

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