The legal status and principle are set in the EYFS

The legal status and principle are set in the EYFS. It is a framework for all early years providers for ages 0-5 years. The EYFS works alongside a set of welfare requirements and learning and developmental requirements called the Early Years Outcomes. The EYFS took effect in September 2008 and was then revised in 2012 and again in September 2014, this is the latest version that is followed in settings. The EYFS covers 4 principles;
* A unique child: this aims to ensure that each child is protected, kept healthy and provided with a learning environment which allows and enables the child to thrive and reach their full potential.
* Positive relationship: there needs to be a strong positive relationship between children and practitioner and parents and practitioners. This ensure good working relationships and trust to be built, this enables good outcomes to be made for the children.
* Enabling environments: by providing an enabling environment this means a child will have the resources and space to learn with full potential. We offer enabling environments by giving freedom of choice, age appropriate toys and using the child’s interests and needs.
* Learning and development: by giving the 3 above principles within the setting then you are enabling the learning and development of young children.
In the setting, national and local guidance materials are available in books, policies and information packs. Every setting must comply with national guidelines such as Ofsted and the EYFS. In my setting we refer to the EYFS to help us track development and learning of individual children, also to follow procedures and to ensure safety.

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