the history of artificial eyes started in the early 5th century by egyptians and romans were they made the first artificial eyes using painted clay

the history of artificial eyes started in the early 5th century by egyptians and romans were they made the first artificial eyes using painted clay . an iranian professor called mansour sayed found an evidence that shows the history of artificial eyes started before 500 BC , he found a buried artificial eyes it’s related to iranian women in 2900 BC . But all scientists agreed that the in 1510 a popular french surgeon called ambrose pare explained the importance of artificial eyes to fit eye socket . In the late 16th century glass blowers invented the first glass artificial eyes but the edges were sharp , in 17th century the center of glass artificial eyes was paris . After 17th century there were no recognizable improvement in artificial eyes until 19th century , in 1832 a german glass blower and also dolls eyes maker called muller uri developed a glass eye for his son after this in 1880 a german surgeon called herman shellen developed the design so it was thicker and has a rounded edges , so the center for eyes moved to germany , during the world war the glass eyes from germany was unavailable so united states had to find alternative material , in 1943 the first plastic artificial eye was made and they were unbreakable ,comfortable and malleable . But they werents able to fit individual eye socket , in 1960 lee allen developed and corrected this problem to fit individual eye socket . Nowadays scientists are developing and making alot of design to fit all people

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