The forms the major element in the research.

The consideration of ethics is concerned and forms the major element in the research.

According to Shuriye (2011), ethics is refer to the systematic study of values, standard of conduct, evaluate moral concept and identify between the right and wrong. With the ethics, engineers able to critically understand and reflect the moral issues in engineering practices. One of the ethical consideration is the research information should be authentic and any misleading information is avoided. The data collection from the resources or participants is accurate and any insufficient data or information is not included in the research.

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The research is done carefully to ensure the information provided is reliable and any careless errors that may lead to research misconduct. All the information of the research is done with transparency and honesty.Moreover, the research respondents or research participants are voluntary and had not been subject to any coercion for participation in the research through online surveying method. They are ensured not subjected to any harmful threat when they not willing to participate in surveying. Also, the respondents or participants have the right to withdraw from the research process at any time. Their recorded data will automatically been removed from the analysis once they withdraw from involving in the research.

Furthermore, all the respondents are ensured to be fully informed and understand the implication of their participation in the research. The interpretations of the research that presented should be done honestly and transparency. The research finding are communicated in nontechnical language and in compact narration when face to face interview or through online surveying form. Any possible conflicts of interest in the research have to declare to prevent any possible risk happens on respondents that may affect the study result in the research.

Besides that, the privacy of the respondents or research participants is protected. The responses obtained from the participants without permission will not be disclosed to others publicly. The researcher has the responsibility to protect the respondents and avoid causing any discomfort on them due to their involvement in the research process.

Thus, the trustworthy relationship between the respondents and the researcher is built.Generally, ethical considerations should be aware and concerned when the research is carried out by the researcher. When the ethics is considered, the respondents or participants in the research project is protected.

Thus, the research able to be done smoothly and any mistake or misrepresentation of the research is avoided.

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