The first formulation of the categorical imperative is the analysis of universalizability

The first formulation of the categorical imperative is the analysis of universalizability, which states that one must act so that the action or principle guiding your action should be willed to become universal law (Woods 20). Furthermore, Kant argued that a rational being “necessarily wills that all the faculties in him should be developed because they are serviceable for all kinds of possible aims” ( Here, Kant is arguing that the categorical imperative implies that one must not only preserve life, but one must also develop his or her’s own endowments and capabilities. Should an individual choose to ignore developing such talents, this individual could not possibly will that such neglect become a universal law. Therefore, this act becomes a contradiction, and indicates the categorical imperative requires all rational beings to develop their own capabilities and fulfillments.
Thus far, we have concluded that Kant’s categorical imperative proves that rational beings are morally required to 1.) preserve their own life and 2.) develop their own aptitudes and abilities. Due to the fact that health is an indispensable qualification for the contentment of both stated duties, it is therefore proven that a rational being is duty-bound to preserve, defend, and maintenance his or her own health. Hence, Kant clearly supports the moral obligation society has to provide universal healthcare.
As stated previously, Kant had various formulations of the categorical imperative. The second formulation, the formula of autonomy (or self-government), is often referred to as the kingdom of ends. That is, the “principle of every human will as a will giving universal law through all its maxims” leads to another version of the categorical imperative saying that “every rational being must act as if he were by his maxims at all times a law giving member of the universal kingdom of ends” ( To Kant, this means that rational beings enclose each of the other’s ends within themselves and that each being wills for the other what he/she would want for his/her own self. Kant argued that since an ethical will is universally governmental in nature, it can be established that rational beings are categorically required to will for others what they would want for themselves. That is, rational beings are categorically required to “will” the preservation of the lives and development of others since they will such constituents for themselves. Due to the fact that health is a qualification for the conservation of life, it is hereby determined that Kant’s kingdom of ends imperative supports the idea of universal healthcare.
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