The fall of Egypt is an event described in sufficient detail in historical chronicles

The fall of Egypt is an event described in sufficient detail in historical chronicles.Egypt, in Greek, means “mystery”, “mystery.”
The bequest of Ancient Egypt really contains many mysteries and mysteries, but the very fall of Egypt happened as a result of the Arab annexation ion, and is not an inexplicable event.
The fall of Egypt in the moral plane can be considered one of the reasons for the further decline of the Old Kingdom. It is also believed that it was in the era of the Old Kingdom that the famous pyramids were built. In addition, each Pharaoh tried to strengthen his power, surpassing the influence of the priests. With each new ruler the cult changed, in such cases the priests of old beliefs imposed terrible curses on such presumptuous pharaohs.
After the Ancient Kingdom, there was a period from about 2150-1950 BC, when the country was captured by internecine wars of warring dynasties. The fall of Egypt was accompanied by ruin and devastation. Many tombs were looted, and temples were destroyed.
The last true Egyptian queen is Cleopatra VII, which first charmed Julius Caesar, and then Marcus Antonius. However, even she could not resist the Great Roman Empire, and soon Egypt finally lost its independence and became a province. But even the Romans still continued to preserve certain traditions of local residents, cared for monuments of architecture.
The final fall of Egypt came with the advent of the Arabs in 639 AD. The country already by that time was greatly weakened by religious quarrels between the pagans and the new religion – Christianity, and moreover, the nobility was constantly in internecine conflicts. The Arabs had no great difficulty in capturing an already disintegrating country.
As we see, the fall of Egypt happened more than once. The final destruction of Egypt was not a day, and not two. This sad event was preceded by a series of conflicts and turmoil, which ultimately undermined the country’s internal foundations, which enabled the conquerors to quickly capture and absorb the once great power – Ancient Egypt.
About how Alexander the Great was, one can judge by his deeds. Despite the fact that more than two thousand years have passed since the day of his death, no one managed to achieve even a part of his conquests. Till now in military academies use its tactical schemes on employment
Ascension to the throne
Young Alexander became a ruler much earlier than he imagined. His father was killed during the wedding ceremony. The young king first opened the plot and executed all those responsible for the death of his parent. When rumors about the death of Philippe reached neighboring states, the enemies tried to immediately take advantage of the situation. They naively believed that young Alexander would not be able to control the military power of his state as famously as his father. The new ruler quickly took matters into his own hands and restored order in Athens and Thebes. He does not intend to lose the lands that his father had so hard to obtain for the empire. He was going to multiply them and make his country a great and invincible power.

The victories followed one after another. First of all, he went to Thebes, where a riot was already ripening, supported by rumors about the death of a young military leader. The Greeks did not support their neighbors, and the city was taken by storm. In order to avoid the fate of the Thebans and escape from captivity, they themselves surrendered to Alexander politicians who openly expressed dissatisfaction with his authority. Having established order in Greece and Athens, the king returns home, where he prepares for a new campaign. This time his eyes turned to Syria, Egypt and Asia Minor. These lands were of strategic importance. In two months he managed to conquer Egypt.

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