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The communication between the neurons is an electrical and chemical process through which one neuron sends the information to the next neuron. An electrical stimulus that gets delivered from the dendrites (the collection branches of a neuron to take in information from the alternative neurones), that goes through the cell body, then it goes way down to the long arm of the neuron, that’s called an axon. This accelerated electrical signal moves down a neuron is called an action potential. When this electric gets on going (action potential) it goes to the end of the neuron (presynaptic terminal), a complicated chemical response is triggered. At the end of a neuron there are small bodies that are called synaptic vesicles. The vesicles have assorted chemicals that’s called neurotransmitters. A neurotransmitter is a chemical that carries information to another. The action potential that has moved down the axon causes the release of the neurotransmitters, and then flood out of the neutron in a small space called a synapse or synaptic cleft. Neurons don’t physically touch, alternatively they’re separated by minute gaps called synapses. The chemicals (neurotransmitters) get released from the neutron into this gap, where they go on the other side of the gap to the next neuron.

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