The Author’s Thesis in “Race Against Time” by Stephen Lewis Essay

The eight Millennium Development Goals proposed by the UN during the Millennium General Assembly of 2000 will not be reached in Africa by 2015 if international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund continue to impose unethical and punishing economic policies through the Structural Adjustment Program (SAPs) on the poor and undeveloped countries of Africa and if the wealthy old core countries continue to break promises and hesitate to donate enough financial aid to Africa to help it recover from the destructive effects of the SAPs and the AIDS pandemic, and to also ensure gender equality and rights of women in Africa.

The Structural Adjustment Programs

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The impact of the Structural Adjustment Programs imposed by International Financial Intuitions (IFIs) such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the developing countries of Africa has led to the destruction of Africa’s social sectors and has handicapped Africa in its fight with poverty, the AIDS pandemic, and keeping children in school.

The Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) are economic policies imposed on countries that borrow loans from the World Bank (referred to as “the Bank”) and the International Monetary Fund (referred to as “the Fund” or IMF). Originating from the right-wing neo-liberalism ideology of the Bank and the Fund (which are the International Financial Institutions or “IFIs”), the SAPs were created to establish a free market economic system in the borrowing (developing) countries, which lead to privatization within those countries. The Bank and the Fund tell the critics that the SAPs help ensure that the money lent will be spent in accordance with the overall goals of the loan and help in re…

… it needs (four thousand instead of the needed twelve thousand) and nearly ten percent of the doctors (three hundred instead of the needed three thousand) for a population of over fourteen million. Malawi is the perfect example for a show of how destructive the Structural Adjustment Programs can be for a developing country and how much power it can give to the IFIs that they (an outer entity) can overrule the demands of a sovereign government and can thus have far greater influence over a country’s economy and development than the country’s government itself.

The HIV/AIDS Pandemic

Struggle of the Women

To help the women in Africa in their struggle with the problems caused by the AIDS pandemic, we must first help the women have a voice and gender equality in the developed countries and the organizations of which these developed countries are a part of.

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