The American Dream in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay

The novel, ‘Of Mice and Men’ written by John Steinbeck refers back toThe American Dream as ‘heaven’.

Steinbeck is trying to point out that the American Dream isunrealistic. This novel looks back at the dreams of Americanindividuals in the 1930’s. It is set in California at the time of theGreat Depression during which the American stock market collapsedleaving the nation in a state of economical disarray.

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The disease, hunger and poverty in England were high during thisperiod. Landowners were very wealthy but the rest of the people had tostruggle and work very hard for survival. Not only did they have tofeed themselves but they also had to pay off the heavy taxes, whichwent to the landowners. It also was a country where Roman Catholicswere unacceptable. These Catholics who wanted to get away from theposition of being unwanted in England immigrated to America along withthe rest of the people who wanted to be free from England’s heavytaxes. They were known as the ‘Pilgrim Fathers’- Their ship was called’Mayflower’. One of the first states a lot of the people settled inwas Philadelphia, Latin for ‘City of Brotherly Love’.

The introduction of the novel includes an image of this new Eden, the’willows fresh and green with every spring’. Unfortunately we find outit is autumn when he describes the crispy, dead leaves. Some of thereligious individuals thought America was like a new paradise, justlike the one in the holy bible – It was at first so green andbeautiful but then Adam and Eve spoilt it by going against God’scommands so God made men live on Earth and as individuals they have towork for survival. Steinbe…

…Liberty andPursuit of Happiness’. The Americans were very happy at first but whenthe Depression and drought came in the nation, it destroyed this dreamof freedom and equality.

Steinbeck is trying to state that The American Dream won’t ever workagain because of the society’s manner.

He is also trying to point out that life is harder for the ‘weakones’; the females, black raced, crippled, disabled and elderly.

He reckoned there was only one hope. If the American society stoppedbeing afraid and became slightly more confident, then they could havebeen able to reform a community in order to achieve The AmericanDream.

To express his thoughts to the reader, he has included a moment whereGeorge, Lennie, Candy and Crooks get together and start to plan forthe future in order to make dreams to come true.

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