the 7 times and more than the prescription

the journal of the medical economic find that, the total amount or burden of multiple sclerosis in health care found in range between 8 500$ to 50 000$ an d more annually the ordinally cost of illness from 8 000$ to 11 000$ and now the cost of illness about 60 000$ annually the burden of multiple sclerosis still increase annually at range from 5 7 times and more than the prescription drug influence now the new drug cost of modified treatment to multiple sclerosis is commonly enter market rang from 25-60% higher than that of existed drug modified cure the direct medical cost to multiple sclerosis is range from less than 15 000 to higher than 50 000$ annually the cost of illness in united statue us the multiple sclerosis affect nearly about 40 000 individual in the united statue and world wide the cost of illness in 2008-2012 with multiple sclerosis cost of illness 4 billion nearly 9 billion annually in 1990: the burden of multiple sclerosis is approximately from 9 000 to 12 000 per patient annually the price of agent continuous to grow and increase in pricein year of 2004 average burden for a patient was 16 050$ the total price of care and exploit of service increase not with only high and good effect but and also with increase the cost average health care cost of moderate relapse intensity function and lack of ability cost 30 000$ and with high relapse intensity and lack of ability cost 50 000$ and with sever lack of ability cost 100 000$ in 2012: average patient cost of illness was 30 000$ annually as it various with severity the pre_patient price is increase above 66 000$ annually the cost of illness in egypt multiple sclerosis occur in age above 17 years old it is spread is 1307-100 000 from all neurological diseases number of patient with multiple sclerosis about approximately above 40 000 patient who take treatment it is cost from 2 000$ to 3 000$ for 3-6 month for treatment it was unfortunately some people are unable to buy for treatment because it is cost is high about 4 000$ that make them unable to continuous treatment the cost of illness interfere treatment increased about 8% to 16% in the world wide multiple sclerosis affect about 2.5 million patient multiple sclerosis found in middle east in 5 eastern countries

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