Teaffani Catering

Teaffani Catering, a company, which is under JR SUCCESS GROUP SDN BHD. Teaffani Catering is a fast-growing local catering company founded in year 2011 by a 2-man team. It was started as home based business. The first office was at a friend’s office shared store room, which is less than 100sqf in Kelana Jaya. Over the period of 5 years, it has grown to a workforce of 50 full-time staff and with over 100 employees on stand-by.
They have their central kitchen in Kelana Jaya with total space of approximately 12,000 square feet including inventory, office and hostels. They have 7 vehicles now and still growing. Their team can manage 15 sessions of events in a day. The biggest event they have done was to cater to a total of 1500 guests. They also landed long-term contracts with international schools to supply food on a daily basis besides events. Furthermore, they are invited to provide catering at popular event spaces in Klang Valley as a panel caterer. Now, the company had moved their main office to Shah Alam, Selangor.
The majority of their customers are from corporate sector, ranging from micro to medium enterprises not to mention big corporations that they have been servicing on a regular basis for along time now. They currently have a new Wedding Planning Division to primarily handle wedding and private customers, to provide consultations on food ; beverage catering services, and to give recommendations on other related services to make their event day more memorable.
Dinner in The Sky Official Caterer
In year 2016, they were honored to be awarded by 2Spicy Entertainment Sdn Bhd as the official food provider for Dinner in The Sky Malaysia 2017. Dinner in The Sky Official Caterer is a type of Western Plate Service(Sliver Service) . The price divided to three classes, which is Economy Class, Business Class and First Class. They want to let their customers experience “floating” in the sky while relishing their food. While Teaffani is known for providing elegant and premium food presentation and for executing excellent customer service experience, they are ready to fly up to the next level. They are ensure to deliver the highest quality of standards through their great team and a promise of delivering “WOW”, which is completes the ingredients of Teaffani brand that customers truly trust. They are well sprinkle everyone with immeasurable joy and create a cloud 9 experience as Teaffani Catering lift the customer’s appetites.
Professional Wedding Catering
Teaffani Catering provides delicious, beautiful and well organised catering services around the Klang Valley area. They understand the immense planning that goes into the big wedding day, they are trying to meet customer needs because they consider weddings as one of their specialities. Their food quality, brilliant customer reviews and splendid all-round services get praise from customers.

Use Halal Ingredients
As to provide the most care for all the customers, they practice the Halal steps and requirements. They use strictly Halal suppliers only for ordering the food ingredients. They do not want anyone to miss out on their wonderful meals, therefore, all their cooking is done fully with Halal ingredients to satisfy all the guests. They also have a long-term pest control contract, proper uniform, hygiene and safety precautions practice.

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