Selected Response Assessment: The Construction of Teaching and Learning that Meet the Needs of Students.

“Contemporary socio-cognitive theory focuses more attention on an individual’s ability to deal with and negotiate the obstacles found in one’s environment than it does on one’s talent for solving abstract, decontextualized problems on an standardized test” (Kincheloe, 10). According to the researcher and activist, Joe Kincheloe, who helped shape the ideology of the Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy, successfully use of selected response assessment requires understanding and appreciating students and the experiences they bring to the learning environment. With the lens of teaching and learning for social justice grounded on Kincheloe’s critical pedagogy which is concern with the analyze of power and justice, preparing a blueprint, selecting the specific material to assess, and building test items from propositions can go beyond a mere “meeting the requirement” formality. According to researcher and professor Richard Stiggins, when a teacher needs efficiency, selected response assessment is relevant, however focusing on students needs, critically following the three steps in assessment development, and involving students in the assessment development process become crucial for selected response assessment success (Stiggins, 98).The first step in assessment development is to create an assessment plan or blueprint that should identify the material to be tested. The blueprint will not only provide guidance to teachers when formulating test questions, but most importantly when shared with students before instruction is provided it will clarify achievement expectations. So, both teachers and students can be held accountable for students’ success making the learning experience more collaborative. The de…

…o assist students “interpret and reconceptualize the world around them and their relation to it” (Kincheloe, 4). As teachers help students understand that “they are “relational beings” –that who they are cannot be separated from the context in which they operate,” thoughtful and critical analyzes of the three steps in assessment development will aim to fulfill students needs and engage them in active learning instead of the development of mere test questions.

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Works Cited

Kincheloe, Joe L., and Kecia Hayes. “City Kids –Not the Kind of Students You’d Want to Teach.” Teaching City Kids: Understanding and Appreciating Them. New York: Peter Lang, 2007. 3-38. Print.

Stiggins, Richard J.. “Selected Response Assessment.” An Introduction to Student-Involved Assessment for Learning . 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008. 97-129. Print.

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